A series recently released on Netflix with the name Unsolved Mysteries is making serious sensations. The first episode of the series aired by the title “Mystery at Mile Marker 45” tells the case of Tiffany Valiante who died by being hit by an oncoming train. Her family and friends believed that she was killed but the case was officially ruled as a suicide.
She was an athlete and she played softball. She died in 2015 when she left after attending a graduation party. She was looking forward to attending college. The Netflix series investigates the case of Valiante in detail yet some key points are left out. Here you can get all the details of the case.
What is the Case of Tiffany Valiante?
The case begins as she along with her parents attended a graduation party. It was in their hometown Mays Landing, New Jersey on July 12, 2015.
Tiffany’s friend told her parents that she was using her debit card and Tiffany denied it. This happened around 9 pm. The said conversation which lasted less than 10 minutes was followed by all of them going out to her car to search for it.
Dianne, Tiffany’s mother noticed her slipping the card into her back pocket. The lady went back to find her husband and as they returned their daughter was nowhere to be seen.
When a few hours passed and she did not return, the parents tried calling her and found her mobile phone down the driveway.
They called the police at 11:30 pm which was said to be around 27 minutes before Tiffany was reportedly killed by the oncoming transit train.
What were the Probable Theories?
The case of tiffany valiante update was registered on the next day of her death as a suicide. However, the parents were unable to believe it as they claimed that they seemed happy. Tiffany according to them did not seem to be depressed.
The parents in the Unsolved Mysteries said they were devastated as the case was registered as a suicide. They claimed their daughter was not depressed. They reported,” She wasn’t suicidal. Tiffany was happy!”
Tiffany was making plans to go to college. She even made plans to play softball that Wednesday. The parents further added that their daughter was planning to go to Great Adventure the next morning along with her friends.
Her family denied the suicide and rather believed that it was surely a case of murder. When she was last seen, she was fully clothed while when the dead body was discovered Tiffany was barefoot and only wearing her underwear.
This was further suggested by her crime scene photos. After two weeks passed, Tiffany’s trainer and headband were found in a neat pile about more than a mile away.
In the show, it was theorised that she entered the car with someone else voluntarily and before she was murdered threw her phone away.
Another theory ran that Tiffany was killed much before she was put on the train track. This was derived as a large amount of blood was found at the spot where the train had hit her. This can only happen if the body has been left there for quite some time.
What Conclusion does Unsolved Mysteries Leave Out About Tiffany’s Death?
There had been a thorough investigation into this case. But still, there are several points that even Unsolved Mysteries leave out at the end.
Among the various things that were left out the most shocking one was that the police could not find the murder weapon. Now a piece of news came that there was an axe with red marking near the site where the body was found. The family hoped that the results of the forensic would offer them answers but the axe went missing from the storage before it could be tested.
The talk about the debit card and how she stole money from her parents’ account before her death was known to us. But a last piece of information that the Netflix documentary missed at the end was that a dog and a handler were sent to follow up on the clues.
Now this test that took place four days after Tiffany’s death came up with new results. The dog brought the handler through a 3.2-mile route that led to the area of the death.
A probable reason for this point to be left could be that many of the investigators consider K9 units unreliable.
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