BFFR is a new slag popular on TikTok and other messengers, so what is the exact meaning of this slang? Since online and phone messaging is not so fast to share messages, people come up with their own acronyms and abbreviations to save several seconds of texting.
There is no day that goes without the use of terms like BTW (By The Way), POV (Point of View), and OMG (Oh My God). Likewise, one such new slang that is trending in TikTok is BFFR. Let us discuss it in this article.
What Does The Acronym “BFFR” Mean on TikTok?

It’s now the right time to focus on the newly trending acronym on TikTok “BFFR.” Avid social media users are already aware of such slang and the meaning of the same. But still, some people do not know the exact meaning of this acronym. There is a wide use of this slang by its creators on and off social media platforms.
When you consider the acronym “BFFR”, it looks similar to the slang BFF (Best Friend Forever). But this is entirely different in terms of its meaning, and also popular on TikTok.
BFFR is one such slang that comes from African American Vernacular English (AAVE). So, the acronym has been long in AAVE but is now popular due to the use of slang in TikTok.
Based on Urban Dictionary, the slang BFFR means “Be F—king for Real.” This slang is used by people to tell others to stay realistic about what they are saying about any real topic. It is much more common to use in the midst of conversation.
In other words, this slang means that you want to ask another person to stay real but don’t act stupid or naïve while talking about real facts. Also, BFFR to someone means that the person is acting naïve or denying some real facts that is present around them for a long time.
How is The BFFR Used on TikTok?
Consider the example that two friends are discussing the engagement of another friend. But one friend is not sure about the engagement but the other friend knew it so he can say:
“Even a month is getting over after their engagement. BFFR, didn’t you congratulate them?”
Furthermore, the use of slang is popular on social media, as people use #BFFR on social media with the hashtag. Videos made with this hashtag are now getting much more popular and they have more than 260 million views.
Even audio clip using the same slang on social media is trending on the platform. A girl is using slang during her talk. So, many users are using this audio to create relevant content with slang and audio.
Likewise, many social media avid users are using this slang to create funny videos and seek the attention of people. Thus, you will get the exact meaning of the word “BFFR” on TikTok and other social media platforms in this article.
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