A Discord Kitten is a slang term for someone who receives goods, favours, or other perks (like Discord Nitro) in exchange for company or a romantic connection on Discord. Both male and female discord kittens exist, and the term can be used humorously or seriously.
A user might describe to the recipient of a gift as their “Discord Kitten” if they gave them Discord Nitro, for instance. This is an illustration of the term being used in an ironic manner.
On the other hand, there are a number of dating services and chat groups on Discord where individuals search for others to support them financially in exchange for company.
Discord Kittens are another name for these materialistic folks. However, in this case, the term is being used seriously and not in a lighthearted manner.
Discord Kitten isn’t necessarily a correlation between the age of the kittens and the age and affluence of the people caring for them. Kittens are also typically younger.
Who Created The Term “Discord Kitten”?
On December 30, 2016, SlaytypeDA used the phrase “Discord Kitten” for the first time in a Tweet. However, the term “Discord Kitten” did not become well-known until 2021, when Youtuber Quackity started ironically calling the people he played with “his Discord Kittens.”
How to Become a Discord Kitten?

The most efficient way to become a Kitten is to sign up for e-dating servers on the platform and then promote your status as one. The most popular spot for people looking for Discord Kittens to spend time out is on dating servers. And, if you’re lucky, someone might choose you as their “Kitten.”
Is Being a Discord Kitten or Discord Daddy Safe?
It is fine to be a Discord Kitten or Daddy; however, not everyone you meet online is who they claim to be. You should avoid sharing any private information with those you just know from online conversations. Just be cautious, that’s all.
If you are a minor, this is especially true. Unfortunately, some individuals abuse these labels and use them to specifically target minors. This holds true for both Discord Daddies and Discord Kittens.
Discord Kittens should exercise caution because not all people searching for Discord Kittens are of good heart.
A Discord Daddy and a Discord Kitten’s relationship might begin amicably. But, over time, the Discord Daddy might come to want things other than merely online company and chit chat.
Things a Discord Kitten might not feel at ease with. If so, the Discord Kitten needs to break off their connection with the user right away and keep their distance.
Discord Daddy’s, however, must also use caution. Some Discord Kittens are total con who will pretend to have interest in you when they’re really only after your cash.
Discord Kittens Allowed on Discord or Not?
Any Discord policies don’t forbid the use of Discord Daddies or Kittens. Discord has guidelines governing sexual content, but as long as the Discord Kittens and Daddies are abiding by these rules, there is no issue.
When Discord Kittens and Discord Daddies start having sexual conversations or acting in sexually suggestive ways without other users’ permission, they start to violate the Discord rules.
It’s also against the law to sexualize youngsters or create adult content for individuals under 18. As long as they refrain from this sort of behaviour, using the names “Discord Kitten” and “Discord Daddy” is acceptable.
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