All homes with heating and cooling systems often have some issues cropping up, diverting from smooth running of systems. Often this happens because of overlooking a vital component of home heating and cooling systems-the duct. If a duct is routinely cleaned, checked and repaired all problems with the running of the heating and cooling system are sorted.
Time to time homeowners need help from specialist Duct Repair Melbourne service providers who are technically adept at handling these problems.
Similarly as much as repairing the duct is necessary, regular cleaning of ducts is important for healthy indoor air circulation inside homes. And of course these things are not something one can do, but again seek help from Duct Cleaning Melbourne service provider’s expertise as it’s a technical execution.
Why do Ducts Need Repairing?
Many times problems in systems arise because the root cause lies with some fault in air ducts. Let us quickly glance at why duct problems appear.
1. Fault in Design
The first thing the ductwork design should focus on is efficiency. It is important that for proper functioning of air ducts, circulating the air with least amount of loss, there a few factors that are needed-
- Minimize turns
- Maximize the straight paths
- Covering least amount of ground that is possible
Technically qualified HVAC and other personnel have knowledge about this which they apply while installing, but complications often crop over the lifespan of an air duct. Renovations and constructions cause new blockage or changes in duct design. Also at times ducts are re installed by partially trained people or amateurs. Faulty design is a cause of disrepair.
2. Leaks in System
Well-designed ductwork too over time faces wear and tear and leaks develop that impacts all ducts in their lifespan. Constant air is flowing in and out of ducts, taking a toll within ducts and its connections. With passage of time the air force and accumulated debris can spoil sealants and dislodge connections, causing air to escape from these openings.
This leads to inefficiencies that impact air quality inside your homes. These leaky ducts may lead to suboptimal air circulation.
3. Improper Insulation
Air ducts main function is to transport air at different temperatures-hot or cold. They pump hot air in colder months and cold air in summer. For proper temperature efficiency they need proper insulation. So insulation is a major factor contributing to temperature efficiency of a duct.
Many times this is overlooked and then leads to problems. There are also instances where infestation can also cause well insulated ducts to deteriorate over time.
4. Accumulation of Contaminants
Air ducts are most affected by dirt and debris accumulated over time. Ducts are lined by different types of germs, contaminants, dirt and debris. Much of the type of accumulation depends on air around specific homes. Ducts do the dual function of pumping in and out air from homes; they also carry all these contaminants in their path.
Accumulated dirt causes air inside homes to be contaminated, damages the ducts and reduces efficiency of the entire duct mechanism. So calling in professionals from Duct Repair Melbourne service is a serious requirement for long term duct performance.
But just as debris and dirt accumulation causes wear and tear, so the system should be ready for engaging Duct Repair Melbourne service providers since wear and tear is inevitable.
The Down side of Faulty ducts
Faulty air ducts can give rise to many problems in your home environment.
1. Overall Home environment
Comfort is often compromised with faulty air ducts that give rise to inefficient heating or cooling in your homes. Since air ducts are to function around this heating and cooling, any fault in ductwork would affect temperature inside your home. So if it’s unusually hot or cold inside your home, the problem lies in air ducts.
Health might be at risk since air ducts circulate air back into the home environment and part of this air might be toxins that harm human health. So the air becomes poor, and gives rise to symptoms of asthma and breathing problems, headaches, flu and general lung discomfort including allergies.
2. Air quality safety
Faults in ductwork can compromise safety as it can channel back harmful and combustible gas into your homes like carbon monoxide which can be very risky with regards to safety.
3. Increased expenditure and sustainability
If the air duct is faulty, the cooling and heating systems have to work harder. This would cause drain of your resources and that of the world in general. Environmental sensitive and awakened people would be concerned about how faulty air ducts affect eco friendly living.
As faulty ducts cause stress on systems and bring in less efficiency, there are higher energy bills. This also causes pulling on more natural resources (fossil fuels), also increasing carbon footprint that could be avoided.
Processes of Duct Repairs
Duct repair and cleaning is imperative for home comfort, health risk control and clean air circulation aside from environmental issues and energy saving.
The steps to the process is:
1. Maintenance
This is something homeowners can try on their own by cleaning build up dirt and grime. Checking and screening any pest infestation is also needed. Also one has to routinely check and reinforce all sealants and connections. Well maintained air ducts are integral to their preservation and they are less prone to the need for repair and replacement.
2. Repair
When ducts need help beyond maintenance and cleaning up, professional help of Duct Repair Melbourne service experts should be sought as these trained technicians can spot the problems and give right solutions to solve the problem from the root. Repairs may include re-installation of specific items, connections or portions of ducts and or targeted fixing of broken sections.
3. Replacing the Ducts
Replacement of ducts becomes integral in certain cases, like when specific fixing of smaller sections or issues is inadequate to correct or fix underlying issues. If there are serious design lapses, repairing won’t help. So a complete removal and replacement is the answer.
This happens after analyzing existing space and ducts, planning installation of new air ducts, removing old duct and new installation. For this intervention of professionals is an absolute necessity.
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