Have you seen the word RSVP in the wedding invitations? Many people do not know the real RSVP meaning in the text. It is an abbreviation of the French word Repondez, s’il vous plait which means respond if you please. So next time you open a wedding invitation you will know what the words mean. However, there is more information about RSVP you have to know. Find out why these words are available on the wedding invitations.
Here you will know why RSVP is used in the invitation and for what purpose. This tradition of RSVP card is a very classic affair and many are using it in their wedding invitation today. So there is a lot more to the word than meets the eye. Continue reading to know more.
What Does RSVP Stand for?
What does RSVP stand for? As we saw RSVP earlier it stands for Respond if you please or Respond, please. It is from the French phrase ‘Repondez, s’il vous plaît’. If you open the wedding invitation there will be an RSVP section. But most of the times this part of the invitation will be separate. Therefore, you can use the RSVP card to send a message about your arrival to the bride and groom. Moreover, the section can also contain a mailing address or email address which you can use to send the message. This is r.s.v.p meaning in the wedding card.
Why Should We Use RSVP?
RSVP is important for the wedding. This can make an event successful as it gives the host a clear idea of how much people to expect. Then based on that information they will plan the food arrangements, seating and others. So if there is an RSVP and you fail to respond to the host then it can create a problem for them. That is why it is good to respond to the RSVP.
Let’s assume that a guest says that he will certainly come to the wedding. But then he does not come. This can lead to the waste of time and effort spent for that person. The host will also feel disappointed after anticipating the arrival. So the RSVP arrangement is essential for the wedding to happen without any issues.
Changing or Canceling an RSVP

It is the basic wedding etiquette to respond to RSVP. But sometimes your plans can change. You may have to cancel the RSVP or change it. So you have to notify the host about your plans as soon as possible. It is better to tell them about your situation than not telling anything at all. Furthermore, handle this very delicately and be as calm and respective as possible. You can contact the bride and groom personally and politely explain to them why you cannot come. Do not forget to make the conversation as brief as possible. If the bride and the groom are not available, you can call someone close to them and leave a message.
Why to RSVP?
If the RSVP is present in the invitation, then it is the duty of the guest to reply to it. This will show that he or she respects the host. It is also an important wedding etiquette to follow. You have to reply when you are going and also when you are not.
This will help the host to make a headcount of who is attending the event. They can make all the possible arrangement for their special guest. Therefore, if you receive an RSVP let the guest know about your plans. This will make the job easy for them.
Manners to use word RSVP
You have learnt many details about RSVP but how do you RSVP on an invitation? For some people responding to a formal RSVP is difficult because they may not know how to start. But do not worry your reply needs to be short and concise. It has to state clearly whether you are attending the wedding or not. You also have to share how many members of your family are attending. The RSVP Cards will come with the date and before that deadline you have to reply.
You can respond by saying ‘Dear’ and then writing the couple’s names. Then if you would like to attend the wedding write it down. End the letter with your name at the bottom. Therefore, one line is good for the RSVP card. Use positive words and let the host know of your happiness in accepting the invitation.
These are the important things you have to know about RSVP. It means a lot to the hosts. So try to RSVP in the future if you get a wedding card.