Today, when people buy a house, the first thing they do is to install a reliable entrance door. The major requirements for it, the door must be strong, attractive, look like inside the apartment, and on the landing, to prevent the penetration of intruders and serve for many years. Let’s consider what entrance doors are and how to choose the safest door.
Which Type of Front Door Provides Maximum Safety?
Front doors are made of wood, tin, and sheet metal. The least expensive type of door is wooden. It is weak, heat and noise insulation is very low. The next type of front door that you can see at the market are tin doors. These doors look beautiful, not expensive, but the strength of this type of door does not allow you to call them safe.
And now let’s move on to serious options, to doors made of metal steel. In terms of security, metal doors fall into three conditional categories:
- Doors of one sheet, up to 2,0 mm thick;
- Doors with two sheets of different thickness;
- Doors made of two sheets with an additional protection system.
The difference between them is the number of metal sheets.
Best Entry Doors for Your Home in Canada
So, we can find steel entry doors are the most secure, let’s look at each type. The first type of door is the thinnest, which has only one protective sheet of thickness up to 2.0 mm. The major disadvantage of this door is that it is assembled without heat and noise insulation.
The second type differs from the first type with an additional sheet of iron. On the three ribs of iron is applied one sheet of 1.0 – 1.5 mm and the second sheet of 1.8 – 2.0 mm. And as the door is equipped with a special safety mechanism, it has three anti-theft locks.
And the last type of door also comprises two metal sheets, but welded to four ribs, and is equipped with a more reliable security mechanism.
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