Towel drying the hair after a shower is a great thing. Many people love to do it and think it is good for their hair. But if not careful when doing the job, you can make your hair dry and also may damage it. So it is important to dry your hair and also keep it strong. So here you can find ways to properly dry your hair. This will make your hair strands to retain the required oils and they will not break. Have a look at the tips below.
Why many use towel drying method?
Many people like to use a towel to dry the hair because they think it is safe for the hair. For many years’ women have used towels to dry hair. So it is hard to stop following the tradition. Your hair may be wet when you come out of the shower so to soak in all the moisture a towel may prove useful. Instead of using air-dryer, many women prefer to use a towel. But their right ways to use towels to dry hair.
How to use towels the right way?
Not all towels are right for drying the hair. There are soft micro-fibre towels available for hair drying. These towels are soft and delicate so they will not make your hair rough. When you use normal towels it may break your hair and make it dry. That is why experts are recommending special micro-fibre towels for drying the hair.
Here’s a good article for you to look at: 5 Do’s and Don’ts When Towel-Drying Your Hair with a Hair Towel. It was originally published by Mizu Towel and it offers some great insights about towel-drying your hair.
After taking a shower squeeze the hair and let all the extra water droplets to fall out of the hair. You have to begin from the scalp and then to the ends of the hair. Now your hair will be damp but not so much wet. Then slowly gather the sections of the hair strands and dry it with micro-fibre towels. Do not rub your hair like you always do to dry it. Just press the towel gently around the hair. Continue repeating the procedure till the hair is dry.
If you have long curly hair, then you can wrap the hair in the towel for some time for drying it. The towel will absorb the water in the hair like a sponge so it will be easy for you to dry it afterwards.
You can also try the technique of bending over and flipping the hair to dry it. It will make the water droplets in the hair to fall quickly.
Why towel drying hair is good?
- Blow drying the hair can make the hair dry because of the heat used in the process so towel drying in the best.
- Using chemicals to dry the hair can make it frizzy and damaged so drying with the towel is one of the best methods to dry hair naturally.
- There is little friction applied when drying hair with a towel so it is the best way to keep hair silky and strong.
These are the ways you can follow to towel dry your hair. You can keep your hair strong and shiny always with these methods.
Also read: Here are Few Tips for You to Make Your Hair Thicker and Longer