Have you ever wondered why most porn sites make use of a dark color scheme theme? Check out our LiveJasmin review, for example, you’d notice the website’s interface is made of mainly red color. Generally, most porn-related sites are associated with the red color or dark color scheme for one reason or the other.
The truth is that color schemes have an impact on visitors that visit a website. Red in this case is often associated with eroticism and passion. As such, most porn-related sites use the ideology of red theme on their sites to tap into the subconscious of their visitors. But the reason red or dark color scheme is used on most porn sites goes beyond its association with eroticism. In this article, we would explain the four main reasons red is widely associated with porn-related content.
– Easy on the eye
One of the reasons other porn sites make use of red in their interface is because red is easy on the eyes. Red light has a low frequency as such it falls off faster. As such, before it gets to the green cones in the eyes that detect color, most of it will have diffused. For this reason, the eyes are not strained when trying to adjust from red light to dark as to when it is trying to adjust from white light to dark.
In addition, most porn an camming sites make use of red light because it makes the text easy to read, hence not straining your eyes. Black would be hard to read as well as grey and blue. Yellow will be too bright for some people as well as some shades of green. But red against a background pop in a way that it is not too aggressive on the eyes.

– Helps you stay discrete
Another reason porn sites use a red interface suggests is that it helps their visitors stay discreet. Most people who watch porn do so at night, this is because they are trying to do so discreetly. A porn site with a red interface will not light up the room with the light from the screen. As such, users can stay discrete as they enjoy their favorite model perform.
Unlike porn sites with a red interface, porn sites that have a white theme or light color scheme tend to have less users stay longer. This is because the theme tends to create too much light in their room hence making things less discrete for them. So, they either have to go through the stress of adjusting their screen brightness which may not totally solve their problem, or often leave the site. As such, porn sites use red them to help visitors stay discreet so they can stay on the site longer.
– The effect on the brain
Porn sites use a red interface because of the effect it has on the brain. Red light wavelength stimulates the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps you feel relaxed, and in most cases induces sleep. Porn sites take advantage of this by using red to make their website calm and cool.
Because of the effect red has on the brain, people often seek to watch more porn when they want to relax after a stressful day. As such, porn sites with red or dark theme schemes are more likely to receive more visitors that stay for a longer period and even come back than sites with a white theme or light theme scheme.
– Historical association of red to brothels
Another reason why porn sites make use of a red theme is because of the historical psychology behind it. In time past, the color red has been associated with brothels. In locations where brothels are functioning, they often have a red banner, red lighting inside, or the models are dressed in red attires.
The association of red with brothels is so common that the term Red Light District came about because brothels use a red light to indicate the service they offered. Because of the association of brothels with the color red, porn sites like LiveJasmin adapt the red color to give visitors a feel of being in a real live brothel.
In conclusion, most porn sites are associated with the color red one way or the other. The red background is cool, secretive, easy on the eyes, and is associated with sex. One of those is likely to be the reason most porn sites use red as their theme color.
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