We can trace back the origins of Halloween to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. In earlier days, people were under the belief that on this day the souls of the dead returned to their homes. Thus, they put on costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits. Celts believed that on the night of 31st October, the dividing line between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. Thus, they celebrated Samhain. Now, the question is if Planet Fitness is open on Halloween 2022 or not. Well, this time 31st October is falling on a Monday. If you happen to be a gym freak or someone who is strictly committed to a fitness schedule, you will be happy to know that Planet Fitness will stay open on Halloween.
Why is Planet Fitness so popular?

Planet Fitness is possibly the most popular place to work out in the U.S. In fact, as of October 2022, there are 2,249 Planet Fitness locations in the United States. If you possess a membership card, you are definitely among those who care about their health. The excellent service that the brand offers is the main reason why so many people travel to Planet Fitness for their regular exercise.
Indeed, there is the option for free training. In fact, even the equipment is very clean and latest. Also, there are spacious areas available. Thus, you can work out most freely without judgement. You can avail all of this by paying a very economical monthly fee starting from $10 per month. Therefore, Planet Fitness is ideal for your gymming needs.
Will Planet Fitness remain open on Halloween 2022?
Yes, the popular Gym and Fitness Center will keep all of its locations open on the eerie holiday. Planet Fitness will work and operate according to regular business hours. Thus, you don’t need to compromise on your workout schedule. Rather than skipping your workout altogether, it will be better if you adjust the hours or shorten the schedule.
The Planet Fitness gyms and fitness centers will remain working and operational for 24 hours on Halloween 2022. The brand asserts that they don’t want people skipping workouts. Thus, you can simultaneously go to the gym and do your physical exercise and after that celebrate Halloween.
We will also recommend you to call up the Planet Fitness outlet near your residence. You know you always have the option to dial and enquire if they are open and what their business hours are before stepping out. This way, you will save on your time and effort, especially if you go to the gym on foot.

Will local gyms remain open on Halloween 2022?
Most of the local gyms do remain open in spite of Halloween. Only some of the gyms in the United States and Canada will remain closed as it is a holiday observed nationally. In fact, some of the gyms will also be functioning according to a custom schedule. If your gym remains closed, you can try out plenty of home workouts that are easily available on the internet.
Thus, you can also experience how it feels to workout at home watching videos in front of you. For a day, you can always opt for a change. In fact, you can also take a day off and let your body hibernate if you have been working out vigorously for the past week.
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