Voicemails are a wonderful method to save time if you’re busy or don’t enjoy talking on the phone but sometimes voicemail not working on iPhone. If you spend the entire day in meetings, people contact you constantly for different reasons. Send them straight to Voicemail and listen to them later when you have time.
Voicemail transcripts not appearing is one of the often-mentioned issues. Send them to Voicemail if you detest conversing on the Phone before finding out why they phoned. You may call them if you need to reply to something. In either case, if voicemails are a need for you, running into problems may be annoying.
Voicemails may not play properly or cease operating altogether. Voicemails that vanish might be another problem you encounter. We provided a list of potential fixes for these problems. If your issue is a packed voicemail mailbox, you must remove previous messages to make room for new ones.
Why won’t my iPhone work with Voicemail?
The malfunction of the cellular network you are using is the main cause of the Voicemail problems on iOS. In rare cases, the issues are brought on by a defect or out-of-date software.
Aside from these traditional suspects, you should ensure your carrier offers Voicemail. It is configured correctly on your smartphone. Now that you have a short understanding of the potential reasons, it’s time to use practical advice.
How to Fix iPhone Voicemail Issues
You may converse and send messages on your iPhone using voicemail service. Voicemails are indispensable because they serve as a means of communication when you need to contact someone. However, occasionally voicemail services only function because of various problems most notably because of the cellular network that you use.
1. Verify whether Voicemail is available on your network
Because not all carriers offer this feature, it is crucial to understand whether your carrier offers Voicemail, voicemail transcription, and visual Voicemail. Only a select few cell providers offer these functions. Checking if your carrier offers Voicemail is thus advisable.
2. Verify whether the iPhone’s Voicemail is configured correctly
You are asked to record your voicemail greeting and a password when setting up Voicemail. Ensure you follow the instructions exactly because this is the first step in setting up Voicemail.
The steps to set up Voicemail are as follows:
● Open Settings
● Select Phone> Voicemail> Set Up Now
● Create a Voicemail password
● Once the password has been created, select Greeting> Default or Custom
● If you choose Custom, then you will have to Record Voicemail in your voice
● You are all set with a Voicemail now.
3. Aeroplane mode should be turned off and then on

We all carry out anytime there is a problem. Putting the iPhone in Airplane mode and turning it back on again is fundamental network troubleshooting. Try this hack if Voicemail isn’t working since it works well with network-related issues.
4. Force Kill all other applications and the phone app

The easiest approach to fix an unresponsive iPhone is to force kill it. It would help if you forcefully stopped all currently operating programs in this procedure since background apps can occasionally cause software glitches.
5. How to forcibly kill an iPhone using Face ID
Hold your fingertip in the center of the screen while you swipe up from the bottom. All of the applications will be shown running. To force-quit an app, swipe up on it one at a time.
6. How to forcibly kill an iPhone using Touch ID
Press the home button twice. All of the applications will be shown running. To force-quit an app, swipe up on it one at a time.
7. Refresh the carrier settings

Outdated carrier settings may bring on the Voicemail not working issue. To prevent such problems, carrier settings must be kept current. Carrier providers release updates to address any issues. Open Settings> General> About. Install any available updates, then restart your iPhone.
8. Make sure call forwarding is turned off

When we activate call forwarding, we sometimes route calls to a different number. It is essential to ensure that call forwarding is disabled since it might prevent Voicemail from functioning. Disable it if enabled. Open Settings> Phone> Call forwarding.
9. Time zone reset

The incorrect time zone is a major factor in Voicemail not working. Make sure your iPhone is updated with the right time zone. Navigate to Settings > General > Date & Time, on/Off Switch for Automatic Setup.
10. Voicemail Password Reset
Voicemail’s password reset feature enables the use of new credentials. Voicemail can be set up fresh. Open Settings > Phone > Change Voicemail Password to reset the voicemail password.
11. Reset network configuration

If the service is unavailable, it is time to reset network settings after changing the voicemail password. Open Settings> General> Transfer or Reset iPhone> Reset> Reset Network Settings. Resetting network settings will get the Voicemail back on track.
12. Modernise software
Check to see sure the iPhone is running the most recent software before moving on to the next step. New software upgrades resolve issues while simultaneously enhancing phone performance.
The best solution to the voicemail problem is to update the iPhone, and you may use it after doing so—open Settings > General > Software Upgrade to update your iPhone. Install any updates that are available by downloading them.
13. Reset every setting
A factory reset is a final step in troubleshooting your iPhone after the most recent software update if the Voicemail is still not working. Open Settings> General> Transfer or Reset iPhone> Reset> Reset All Settings.
14. Contact Carrier
When none of those mentioned above fixes the voicemail issue, it is necessary to speak with the carrier. Sometimes the carrier is the. Therefore, we need help fixing the voicemail print. It is best to speak with the carrier and explain the situation.
The several reasons why your iPhone’s Voicemail could not be working. We have covered all the potential troubleshooting techniques in this blog post. These simple troubleshooting methods will assist you in leaving voicemails.
Using voice messages on an iPhone is as simple as it gets with voicemail service. Voicemail is useful when you are out and cannot reach someone by Phone. It assists you with re-enabling Voicemail on your iPhone.