Freedom is one of those concepts that means something different to everyone you ask. A base jumper’s idea of freedom would be an absolute nightmare to most people. Likewise, a billionaire’s experience of freedom is just never going to be on the table for most of us. Despite these perceptual differences, we can all agree that the more time and money you have, the more freedom you can afford. So, whether you’re a billionaire, a base jumper, or an average citizen of the world, the following five tips should help you gain the extra helping of freedom you crave.
1. Automate as much as possible
Whether it’s accounts payable automation in your business or automatic direct debits in your personal life, there are so many benefits to be gained from automating repetitive tasks. In your business, automation cuts down on errors while simultaneously freeing you up to focus on the tasks you love and those that will bring in more money.
In your personal life, automation can help you ensure you’re paying bills on time and saving consistently. Grocery delivery services can help you automate good health, a smart security system can help you protect your assets without conscious thought, and you will find that many other aspects of life can benefit from some form of automation.
2. Embrace minimalism
Having fewer things will always equate to less clutter, and less clutter equates to a calmer mind. However, embracing a minimalist lifestyle comes with many more benefits than this. Cutting out physical and digital window shopping saves you time, and when you no longer feel the need to compete with others for status symbols, you free yourself from a whole lot of stress and anxiety.
3. Add digital minimalism to the mix
Though you may feel that apps like Instagram and Facebook are merely entertaining, the truth is far more complex. The more apps you have, the thicker your stream of notifications. Every notification is like a digital mosquito nipping at you and sucking away your attention. Digital maximalism gives you a distractible mind, and when your attention is being pulled in many different directions at once, you become less productive and less effective, leaving you feeling like you have less time in your day than you should.
You can address this issue by running an experiment. For just one month, commit to culling your apps and staying off social media. If you have any essential apps, eliminate notifications and instead nominate a set time in your day to manage any important messages and action items. Once the month is up, assess how you’re feeling, how productive you are, and how much time you’ve freed up. If you like the results, all you have to do is keep it up.
4. Get on top of your finances
Nothing sucks away your freedom faster than financial instability. So, if you have debt, create a repayment plan that gives you a series of mini-goals and a timeframe within which to make yourself debt-free. If you don’t have debts to worry about, commit to building an emergency fund large enough to cover things like losing your main source of income, having to replace the most expensive essential item you own, or being out of pocket for a major medical procedure.
Take these four steps, and you’ll find yourself with more time and freedom on your hands than you ever thought possible. Enjoy!
Also read: How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance