Regular exercise and cardio keep your entire body in shape. It’s essential to have regular physical activity because this affects all aspects of life, from improving immunity to keeping you fit to making your mind think positively. Some people prefer working out in a gym, while others are more into running in the open. Cardio has proven to be the overall best exercise for keeping you healthy. Many runners will do their routine in the morning, while some prefer running at dusk and after work.
It doesn’t matter when you’re doing it. The important thing is to be active and stay healthy. However, choosing the time for the exercise may be crucial for your motivation. That’s why we’re introducing a new idea – running at dawn. Read on to see what the benefits are from this choice.
1. The city is empty
When you decide to run when the sun is coming up in the sky, you have the chance to see the city in an entirely different light. Most of us live in cities, and we’ve never seen them empty. They are constantly crowded and filled with noise, people, cars, and trucks.
When you opt for running before sunset, you have the chance to enjoy the emptiness and worry about nothing. There’s no chance for someone to get in your way, there are no cars to pose a threat to you, and there are no people in the streets to avoid. The entire city is yours, and that is a wonderful experience.
2. It’s quiet, and you can easily focus on the activity
Another thing essential for experiencing an empty city is the different lifestyle and pace of life that happens during the first hour of sunlight. The city is completely silent, and there are no distractions from the surroundings.
This helps you focus on your breathing and running and helps you collect your thoughts. Many people love the chance to spend time with themselves while jogging because all the other time of the day is filled with stress, the need for attention from someone, etc.
If you choose to run right before work or after working hours, you’ll face an entirely different scenery. There will be tons of cars, horns from nervous drivers, sounds from shops, people yelling, arguing, and all kinds of things that are not the best idea for a peaceful running and enjoyment.
3. The air is cleaner than during rush hour
There’s no comparison between the polluted air on the streets during rush hour and the quality you’ll breathe at dawn when there’s no car on the streets. The entire gas emissions that accumulate during the day will be swept by the wind during the night, creating the freshest air in the city exactly at dawn when there’s no traffic.
It’s best to go outside and have a run when there’s no one to pollute the air with their vehicles. Breathing fresh air while running is essential for keeping the entire body working flawlessly and creating the processes needed for staying healthy.
Breathing polluted air and running means filling your lungs with less oxygen, which is bad exercise and is also a sure way to create more unhealthy conditions that you’ll need to treat at the doctor’s later.
4. Your body is programmed to be the most active before sunrise
Scientists have proven that our bodies are literally programmed to fall asleep and wake up together with the sun. Your body’s cortisol levels are the highest before sunrise, which helps us turn on all vital body functions.
That means you will be perfectly ready to do your physical activity during this time. It may still be night outside, but you don’t have to worry about that. Just get yourself a lightweight flashlight from, and you’re all set.
5. You’ll start your day happy
You’ll fill yourself with positive energy when you decide to have your morning run before anyone’s up. Exercising releases the happiness hormones in your body, making you feel happy and cheerful.
When you go home and have a shower, your day will start in the perfect way possible. You’ll be a role model for your kids and your spouse, making everyone else’s day better. That’s why exercising before sunset may be the ideal solution for you.
These are some of the essential reasons to get up early and beat the day. Go outside and do your standard running routine before the sun comes up. The benefits are many, as you could’ve seen in the content written above.
If you want to feel happy, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the silence and emptiness of the city, there’s no better time than going for a run at dawn. Get yourself the crucial equipment, and enjoy the perfection.
Also read: How to Stay in Shape While Travelling?