As gamers discovered a new problem when firing the exotic machine rifle Grand Overture, the raid race for “The Root of Nightmares” as blinding effect in Destiny 2 .
On March 10, 2023, Destiny 2 players can access Lightfall’s raid, The Root of Nightmares. Players have been preparing for the raid race and researching the finest load-outs to bring because it is so close. The community and fans may come together to see the top teams take on whatever challenges Bungie has set during the exciting raid races that have always been a part of Destiny 2.
The prizes Bungie offers to the squad that finishes the raid the fastest are in keeping with the historic occasion. This indicates that competitors are competing to win the World’s First title and the exclusive belt that comes with it.
The first race for The Root of Nightmares in the history of the world might be in danger:

Unfortunately, several problems found since the launch of Lightfall could compromise the World’s First race for The Root of Nightmares. These issues have included the new Strand subclass in some cases and the new Lightfall exotics in others. The Grand Overture is a more outdated exotic, but it’s included in the newest bug.
A great weapon for protecting yourself against strong opponents, Grand Overture’s catalyst enables it to blind opponents with its missile blasts. Gamers have found that employing an additional weapon with “Explosive/Timed Payload” along with the exotic causes all payload effects to blind opponents.
An enemy who is blind is effectively made unable to fire their weapon, which makes this a very powerful impact. Consequently, blinding effects are rare and require an exotic or an ability to proc, but with the bug in effect, even basic weapons can blind.
This bug puts the World’s First Race at risk because Contest Mode gives adversaries additional guardian resistance while simultaneously making them more dangerous. A blinding effect in Destiny 2 being available at all times throughout such an event could reduce the difficulty of the encounters and distract from the positive first-day experience.
Grand Overture still contains the problem because Bungie still needs to turn it off as of the time of this writing. The exotic will probably be disabled in the upcoming hours by the Destiny devs, as they have already done for other problematic exotics like Winterbite.
On a concluding note:
So in the above-mentioned passages, we discussed all the information we have about the new problem blinding effect in Destiny 2. For more information regarding the same, keep following us.
Also read: Release Date and Everything We Know About The Destiny 2 Lightfall Raid