Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have a wicked motive. Many thought that these shooters did this as revenge due to high school bullying. The motive behind the murders is far worse than anyone can imagine. In 1999 the columbine high school witnessed a missing student that is Eric Harris. Along with him Dylan A grade student missed his philosophy test.
A student named brown notices Eric in the school parking lot wearing his trench coat and having a bulky bag. Brown knew that Eric was a dangerous fellow. Brown has been a victim of Eric’s death threats. However, no one had any clue that these boys wanted to be terrorists. Let us more about the Columbine shooters and how they did this horrific crime.
Shocking shooting at Columbine High school
Brown a student at the Columbine high school suddenly hears shooting noises on the campus. At first, he thinks it as a firework later he starts to realize that it is the sound of Gunfire. Brown reacts quickly to this situation by running and getting hold of a telephone on the campus. After an hour of loud gunfire sound Brown goes to see what happened in his school. That day Brown witnesses a nightmare on his school campus.
Brown sees Eric and Dylan his friends from the first grade dead on the floor. To his shock, they are not the victims but the attackers. Eric and Dylan take 13 lives that day by shooting with guns. They killed 12 students and a teacher which makes this a tragic gunfire shooting incident in America. Let us see why Eric Harris and Dylan did this brutal thing to their schoolmates.
Background of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

Eric and Dylan were normal kids in the world until 1998. Dylan was an introvert with great knowledge. Dylan being an intelligent child attends the CHIPS program for gifted children with Brown. However, the program was too competitive for brown due to this he had to drop from it. Dylan remains in the school till sixth grade. During this period he bottles up his rage and competitive spirit.
On the other hand, Eric Harrison is the son of an air pilot. He spent most of his childhood on the ocean travelling on cruises. From childhood, Eric had interest in crime stories. At all times he played violent games. At 11 years he found a pioneer video game that is full of horror and crimes.
Many of Eric and Dylan’s friends say that these teens had a bad experience with bullies. During high school, Eric dates a freshman. During his relationship he makes pranks. Also, he acts to suicide in front of his girlfriend which scared her to death. These strange actions by these teens did show early psychological problems.
The deadly missions by the teens
Bullying was a big issue in the columbine school. However, there was no action on the part of the faculty that did not put a stop to it. When working at a pizza place Eric and Dylan’s friendship starts to bloom. After the friendship people could see the difference in Eric. He was much bolder and Dylan became outgoing. Brown was also a friend of theirs who played video games with the boys at 3 am.
During a night stay at a friend’s house, brown saw Eric and Dylan joining them. Within minutes Eric and Dylan start creating a mess in the place. They set plants on fire, create graffiti on walls and throw toilet paper around. At first, it seemed fun to the boys. However, Brown says that he saw Eric and Dylan’s prank become crueler.
Injurious actions of Eric and Dylan
Eric and Dylan did serious things such as getting a trick or treat on Halloween with a gun. Dylan once a victim of bullying did the same to the freshman. Eric starts to isolate himself from other friends but he was close to Dylan. Brown had no connection with Eric but Dylan did not know to drive for which Brown helped.

However, Dylan was always late for school. This angered brown and they argue when he finally decides to not drive for Dylan. Brown also complains to Dylan’s parents about his bad behaviour. He also reveals his pranks, drinking habits and injurious behaviour. Due to this Dylan made Brown his target. He starts to threaten Brown with letters and more.
On the social page, Eric and Dylan also show their desire to kill brown. The boys did show rebellious behaviour by using pipe bombs to threaten brown. Brown’s parents did the right thing by reporting the cops. The cops did arrest Dylan and Eric but for a worse cause that is stealing from vans. After getting Junivelle detention they thought it was the end of the problem but deadly things were about to happen.
The heart wrecking columbine shooting
After the investigation of the columbine shooting, cops find shocking details about Eric and Dylan. The columbine shooters were not normal teens but they were unstable with terroristic ideas. They had a complete plan of crimes they were about to execute. They had a room which they fill with violent ideas. The Columbine shooting may seem a bigger crime for the public but these teens had massive plans. The columbine shooting was a failed plan of the teens. They planned for a deadly terror attack in the region.
Before shooting random people at school the boys planted various bombs across the perimeter. All these are bombs made by the teens in their room. Eric and Dylan planned to activate a bomb in the cafeteria. They thought that after the bombing people will scatter everywhere which will make it more convenient to shoot as many as they can. However, they were still teens who did create the bomb but did not know how to activate it properly.
Due to this they were shocked to see their first plan fail. But, they chose to shoot people as a plan B. The plan of killing thousands of people ended up with 12 members. If the plan would succeed the shooters thought to hijack a plane. However, after the bomb failed to activate Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shoot themselves. They wanted to die than getting caught. There is no explanation why and how these teens turned into terrorists but what happened that day in columbine school remains a historic tragedy.
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