Craigslist is a well-known American classified advertisement website that has particular sections allotted to housing, jobs, wanted, items and ads. The company Craig Newmark started the service in 1995 and it worked as an email distribution list. Then it became a web-based service in the year 1996 and expanded its horizons to start different categories. Now the website is working in seventy countries. The website is so famous that many movies and TV series are made based on it.
In December 2019 Craigslist started an app on iOS devices then a beta version for the Android. But recently there were several improvements in the Craigslist app to make it more convenient for the users. You can know all the details of this amazing app here.
What are the features of the Craigslist app?
At first, there were only third-party apps that helped people to navigate to the services on Craigslist. But then Craigslist developed its own app so many people were able to make use of its services easily. All the features available on the Craigslist website are available in the Craigslist app. Further, the app contains the Craigslist peace symbol in purple colour. The overall design of the app is also the same as the website. Also, the app is very simple without any extra embellishments.
The app has a clean interface so it is easy for many people to understand it. Craigslist is one of the apps that is in the business for many years so it has dedicated users worldwide. That is why out of respect for its users Craigslist has not changed much.
All the categories on the Craigslist website are available in the apps for you to search for the services. So you can easily search for the things you want. Also, categories are ordered properly hence there is no place for confusion. For instance, when you look for cars then you will get the searches for odometer, model year and more.
All the contact information of the advertisers will be available for you easily. So you can contact the ones you prefer. This is a very serviceable app and will continue to offer its service for its users many years more. Make use of this beneficial app for your job, housing, products and other needs.
Craigslist website and app is an all-in-one destination for your requirements in life. So make use of the app and make every work easy.
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