In today’s blog, we are going to discuss digital marketing, the benefits, consequences, career in Digital Marketing, and many more things but before we start with this we all should know about what is digital marketing? The people of the 90s or early 2000s can easily relate to this when there were a lot of television advertisements. In those advertisements, some were inspiring and some of them were cringe-inducing.
Many of the advertisements were having the objective that they should be aware of the audience regarding the product and can influence the customers to buy it. The companies always kept a separate package for advertisements and marketing of their products and the intention behind this was to increase the customer pool and attract new customers.
We all know that marketing trends are always dependent on consumer needs and to overcome this barrier the marketing which came into focus was called digital marketing.
Need of Digital Marketing
One question that would strike your mind is what is the need for digital marketing. Well, the answer to this question is that earlier we used to sit in front of television sets but with the changing time use of the internet has increased. Now, people have shifted from television sets to the internet and easy streaming shows because of this, the companies have also changed their strategy of marketing. Now they are now shifted towards digital marketing where they can reach people in a fast and easy way.
Companies now have shifted from traditional advertising to digital marketing. The best part of digital marketing is the advertisements to your mobile or computer screen.
As we all know that the internet is endless but while doing digital marketing we all have to keep in mind that the level of marketing should be in such a manner that we can cut through the competitions and for this we need a lot of skills. In today’s world, the market of digital marketing is increasing day by day.
What is Digital Marketing?
Now let’s understand the concept of digital marketing. Digital marketing is just similar to traditional marketing in which a company has to sell their product and hence for this they try to engage customers in which they introduce the product and then try to sell their products. Similarly, in our digital marketing, the companies do the same thing but by using the immense power of the internet.
And for this, they hire multiple people in different roles with specific skills. If we talk about digital marketing it is much more versatile as well as creative in nature. If you are a marketing professional then you might have come across these fields in digital marketing which are as follows-
- Mobile marketing
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Production of audio and video
- SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
- Interactive technology like – Artificial Intelligence
- Social Media
- Email marketing
- E-commerce
- Content management
- Content curation
- Marketing automation
- Web design
- Web development
- Copywriting
- Editing
- Analytics
- Business and marketing strategy
Skills needed for digital marketing

If we talk about freshers and you want to come and make a digital marketing career then you have to excel in at least three courses that are given above. And if you want the role of a manager then you might need to excel in a couple of these courses.
It was seen for the past 10 years that companies are moving towards digital marketing as compared to traditional marketing but during this pandemic, the companies are moving with great speed towards digital marketing and there is a huge requirement for digital marketers in the market.
It is being estimated that around 93% of online activities begin with a search engine. So, to rank yourself in SEO make sure that your content should be SEO-friendly.
If we talk about statistics then in the year 2017 digital advertising, content strategy, social media, and content creation were rated as the most in-demand skills. If you are specialized in the skills of SEO and SEM through which any business can become more profitable then you can very easily get a high-paid job.
Why you should choose your career in digital marketing?
There are many advantages of choosing your digital marketing career which are as follows-
- In today’s world, companies are eagerly looking for candidates who have soft skills. If you are someone who has digital skills then you can upscale your career as well as your job profile.
- Digital marketing is a very creative field. One can showcase their creativity in this field as well.
- You can get the chance to work in a diverse environment which will make you grow professionally.
Earnings in Digital Marketing
As we all know that there is a lot of scope in digital marketing as well as the candidates which have those skills that are required for digital marketing are taken up by companies and these companies pay high salaries to these candidates. Let’s look into some figures that how much these candidates are being paid-
- Digital Marketing Manager – 4 to 10 lakhs.
- SEO Manager – 3 to 7 lakhs.
- SEM Expert – 3 to 5 lakhs.
- Web developer – 3 to 6 lakhs.
- Web designer – 3 to 6 lakhs.
- Social Media Manager – 3.5 to 7 lakhs.
- Content Writer – 2.5 to 5 lakhs.
So, you can see that if you have these skills under your belt then you can earn up to this much very well.
Future of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a new and always growing field. We all keep in mind while searching for a job regarding its security. We all try to find out such evolving industries which may not go through the emergency shutdown. Digital marketing is that field that will never shut down, it will keep on growing with the coming time as we all know that the coming time is the time when the world is moving towards digitalization and will be digitized in the coming future. So, it has a great future. One should go and make his or her in digital marketing career.
If you are going to play your cards in the right manner then a digital marketing career is highly lucrative. Your aim should always be high and for that, you need to always upgrade yourself with new skills and always keep room for improvement. Never be complacent in choosing or making your career in digital marketing.
If you are curious and want to make your career in digital marketing then check out different courses of digital marketing in Great Learning.
Also read: Search Engine Optimization for Beginners – What do You Need to Know?