Switch slayers! Are you still hyped by Doom Eternal Yet? Well, don’t get excited too soon, as there is some information regarding its delay. It is coming on Nintendo Switch as well as other platforms soon. Two years and a half after, when the version of Doom got released in 2016 on (May 13th), the new entry on the franchise, Doom Eternal is finally set to be released on March 20th, 2020. The new date came on 8th October 2019, when id Software, announced that game will be delayed from its original release date of November 22, 2019.
We are glad to know about the new release date. As per the official announcement, the new release date was for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It also specified that the release date for the Nintendo Switch would be set for a “later date” without specifying just how much later. However, things are still not confirmed, so don’t get confused. But still, we are eagerly waiting for its release on Nintendo Switch.
What is Doom Eternal?
First Doom game was a first-person shooter, launched in 1993 for MS-DOS computers. Currently, the series is going strong and continues to focus on “Doomguy” hacking and slashing his way violently through demon hordes that came from Hell…on Mars. Don’t stress your brain too much. Despite the base plot being so ridiculous that it’s awesome, these are the challenging games that require quick thinking and fast response times.
Well, Doom Eternal is a direct sequel to the 2016 entry and features several new aspects like the flamethrower, which you can use to incinerate your enemies to a crisp. As you make your way through the game, you’ll still get to listen to some sweet heavy metal songs while brutally destroying oncoming foes. Now, we just can’t hold to get our hands on the Nintendo Switch version!
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How does the game look like?
Like its predecessor, Doom Eternal, involves the players to develop tactics and skills to fight in different scenarios, deciding which enemies to kill and go after and using these bonuses to move forward. The players can play as the character “Doom Slayer,”. They are given access to a vast number of weapons like shotguns, super shotgun, heavy cannon, rocket launcher, energy sword, and the retractable arm blade. It provides the opportunity for a larger variety of quick and violent “glory kill” executions, which drop extra health. The game requires players to aggressively engage with the enemies while playing the game.
Its creative director, Hugo Martin has said that there will be twice as many demon types as in the 2016 release. They have introduced some new demons as well, such as the Marauder and Doom Hunter, while also continuing some of the previous ones such as the Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, and Archvile. The new release also includes fresh movement mechanics like wall climbing, dash moves, and horizontal bars to swing from.
Why won’t it come to Switch on March 20, 2020?
Panic Button, the gaming company, has been given the task of porting Doom Eternal to Nintendo Switch. This company has worked on past Doom titles in collaboration with Bethesda. They want to make sure that players get the best experience on Nintendo Switch. This port integrity partially accounts for the delay.
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Here’s what id Software’s Marty Stratton has said on the matter
It’s coming out a bit later than the game is on current consoles and PC, and that’s just because we want to finish the game on those platforms and then give Panic Button – our partner on it – the time they need to pull those refinements into the Switch version. It’s not going to be a huge delay, but we haven’t announced the launch time frame yet, but they are fantastic partners. They are masters of that platform.
Panic Button is “uncompromising” in its porting responsibilities and wants the game to be an enjoyable experience on Nintendo. According to Stratton, who’s had the chance to play the game on this platform, he was “stunned” by this version and thinks it’s going to amuse everyone. So, as of now, we aren’t sure what kind of timeline to expect. But there won’t be much delay.