The United States of America has a long and inspirational history with sporting achievement and regularly features in pole positions for international events. There are however a handful of sports synonymous with the USA and the history of the country weaves a thread of fascinating insights into a sporting passion.
Let’s take a look at some of the sports that have survived through the ages to become seasonal favorites in the land of opportunity.
1. American Football

American Football is by far the most popular sport of the nation, in turn capturing the attention of millions of fans year in, year out. Football originated as a sport in American colleges way back in the late 19th century but since humble beginnings, it’s literally taken the world by storm. There are now eighty countries around the world who play the game, a true success story of modern American export.
2. Baseball

America has a long-standing history with sporting prowess and Baseball harks back to the golden era of American history and had its first innings almost two hundred years ago. Baseball is an almost mythical pastime of the nation and its depiction in movies as one of the central sports of the people has cemented itself within American popular culture.
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3. Basketball

Another college favorite and high up on the list of sports fans in the USA, basketball was actually initially devised by a man who hailed from north of the border. Canadian born James Naismith, a physical education teacher, invented the sport as a winter primer for football players looking for a game less prone to causing injury and suitable for indoor play.
Find out more about the history of Basketball and learn more about the man behind the game.
4. Ice Hockey

Popular in the colder climes of the United States, Ice Hockey ranks as one of the most popular sports in the country, and for great reason. It’s a fast-paced, high-octane game played by some of the most ruthless men and women in sport.
Originating in Baltimore, where the very first artificial ice rink was built, the sport has now taken the country by storm and the NHL (National Hockey League) hosts some of the most popular sporting events in the country.
5. Soccer

While not as popular in the states as over in Europe, Soccer certainly is taking center stage in the USA’s sporting calendar with large crowds regularly attending important matches. There are over 240 million people around the world who play soccer too and as a hobby, it has certainly taken root.
Although there are many countries around the world who stake a claim to the beginnings of the beautiful game, it is England who started soccer as we know it today. LA Galaxy, one of the most famous teams in the USA are in fact known throughout the footballing fraternity for bringing David Beckham into their family.
Also read: Is Football Manager The Greatest Football Gaming Series Ever?