Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players are sharing their encounters with rare Pokemon that have occurred too frequently to be true. I know it is pretty uncommon news, but that is what is going on now. The community expressed its surprise and players don’t understand why this is happening. As we all know, one of the most popular activities of the game is Shiny hunting. For the uninitiated, Shiny hunting simply means tracking, seeking, hunting, and capturing shiny pokemon spread across the vast world. Once the mainline games are released, Shiny hunting takes over as a favorite side quest.
It’s Shiny Season

Now the developers have added some really unique encounters and Pokemon behaviors to the game, meaning things are more interesting now. Shiny hunting has become more popular than ever. Newcomers are entering the world of the hunt more often than not and speaking of their encounters. Here come the strange incidents. According to many players of the game, Shiny Pokemon are turning up in their travels with alarming frequency. Furthermore, they are appearing in such numbers that players are baffled about what to do with them. One trainer even shared a clip of finding two Shiny Pokemon back to back just by using two different methods.
The said clip has the gamer riding Miraidon to hatch a clutch of eggs. Once they finish hatching a normal Scorbunny egg, they find a Shiny Crabrawler hiding behind a Tera Raid den crystal. This itself is not the bizarre part of the encounter. The player battles and captures the Shiny Crabrawler and starts hatching their eggs again. Almost immediately, a Shiny Charmander pops out of the very next egg. This is what players are talking about when two Shiny Pokemon just pop up one after the other.
More Encounters Ahead

The player explained that they owned the Shiny Charm, but was using the Masuda method to hatch Shiny Pokemon. For those who do not know what this method means, it simply entails hatching an egg from two Pokemon from different regions. This method has a much higher chance of yielding a Shiny Pokemon than any other method.
Fans seem quite surprised by their stunning luck. One even said that if this had not been recorded, nobody in the community would have believed them. What’s more, just a few weeks earlier the same trainer encountered two more Shiny Pokemon simply by roaming around the open world.
Moreover, Shiny Hunting may not be every player’s favorite way of passing the time, but in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there seems to be no shortage of amusing stories where a person encounters rare, Shiny Pokemon at random moments. If you join the world today you can also join the hunt for a Shiny Pokemon and who knows, that next Shiny Charmander or Squirtle may be waiting for you just around the corner. All you need to do is capitalize on this incredible and rare stroke of luck while it lasts. Good luck with your Shiny Hunting!
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