Are you home for the holidays? This time of the year may sound exciting at first but in hindsight, things get pretty boring. There is only a limit to which you can keep checking your social media or binge-watch a certain show. Sometimes, you want to check out the hidden gems of the internet; the completely random websites that can make you lose track of time. To make this holiday more fun for you, we have put together a list of all the fun websites you can visit while bored this holiday season.
So, bookmark this article, this is going to be an exciting ride for you.
But before we go towards our list, let’s make sure you are well-equipped with the basic tools needed to access these sites. In this regard, we recommend looking for HughesNet® in your area. We understand most of you are going to suburban areas to spend the holidays. For this, you certainly need a decent internet connection to help you stay connected with everyone while you can surf the web as well.
Therefore, this satellite internet provider can be your ideal choice. It offers internet with no hard data limits, perfect for you to stay on top of your internet game at all times. If this interests you, then visit HughesNet Internet Español (for Spanish speakers only) and get all the information you need regarding its plans and packages.
Now that you are all set, let’s take a look at our very exciting list of completely random yet fun websites you should know about.
1. Wordle
Wordle took the world by storm in early 2022. Everyone was super into it when it first gained popularity. It would not be a stretch to say that almost everyone was playing this week. Fast forward to the end of the year, the hype might have died down, but Wordle is still very well an amazing game to play when you are bored.
Essentially, it is like a crossword kind of game, where the player only gets one word for a day and after every 24 hours, a new word is released for you to guess the letters. The game can keep you occupied the whole day.
On paper, it may look like your regular game, however, it is quite different than the daily crossword games. You can play it online on the New York Times website.
2. The Useless Web
The Useless Web is like a rabbit hole, you will lose the track of time while using it. It gives you a peak at the different aspects. The exciting part is, you can never guess what it will give you. Every time you click on the “Please” button, a new, completely random website opens.
It may lead you to the check box race, or a website that solely lets you move your rainbow cursor anywhere on the screen you want.
3. Scream Into the Void
We have all been there; wanting to scream out obscenities at top of our lungs but sadly, cannot. This is where Scream Into the Void comes in and solves your problem. You can type in anything and hit the “scream” button and the screen will show you the words getting zoomed in, accompanied by the screaming voice in the background.
Now, you don’t have to keep in your feelings regarding that annoying coworker. Simply pull up this site and take out your outrage.
Just a quick reminder, don’t forget to plug in your earphones while you use them.
4. Know Your Meme
Are you thinking of getting a Christmas card with the viral meme printed on it? Well, we don’t want you to just pick a random one without knowing its background of it. Therefore, go over to Know Your Meme and get all your queries answered related to any meme.
Do you wish to know the origin of the Grumpy Cat meme? What if I told you that it originated in 2012 from Reddit and became viral on every other social media site within the span of a few days?
5. Apartment Therapy
We all plan to change the décor of our homes right before the holidays hit, but never really get the inspiration to do so. With Apartment Therapy, you can get tons of ideas on how you can make your apartment more visually pleasing.
The site has numerous articles on DIY projects while considering apartments of all sizes. It also gives you ideas on how you can decorate your stairs and the spaces that are usually left untouched. The website is filled with interesting information about trends regarding elegant interior designs.
6. Wayback Machine
If you want to know how your favorite website used to look back in the olden days, then go over to Wayback Machine, type in the URL, and choose the year. It will fetch the exact layout of the site in question from its archive and in this way, you will be able to see the changes that took place on the site.
So, get hit with the perfect nostalgia and check out Wayback Machine, whenever boredom strikes you.
7. Play Minesweeper
Minesweeper is a classic puzzle game that has been enjoyed by millions of players over the years. Its simplicity, quick gameplay, and strategic thinking make it a great game to play when you’re bored or killing time.
The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular grid containing hidden mines without detonating any of them. The grid is divided into cells, and each cell either contains a mine or a number that indicates the total number of mines in its neighboring cells.
8. Backgammon Online
Backgammon is a classic board game that has been played for centuries and has stood the test of time. It’s a two-player game played on a board consisting of 24 triangular points, also known as “pips.” The board is divided into four quadrants, each with six points.
The objective of the game is to move all of your checkers, from your opponent’s home board to your own home board and then bear them off the board. The first player to bear off all their checkers wins the game. The game is an excellent choice when bored due to its quick games, and how quickly it is to learn. Additionally, Backgammon can be played in single player mode.
Wrapping Up
Sure, holidays are a great time to catch up with the show that has been on your watch list but it can also get boring sometimes and you only want to mindlessly surf the web.
In a situation like this, the abovementioned websites come in handy and help you waste as much time as you want, while also making surfing fun for you. Say goodbye to boredom this year and bookmark all these sites to spend hours on.
Also read: 10 Best Websites on Dark Web Worth Visiting