Most of us know how to do an image search. It is a feature in the Google search engine that allows you to find the images you need. You have to input the terms in the search bar and you will get the images. There is another type of image search available in Google. It is known as the Google Reverse image. The reverse image search helps you to get similar pages of the photos you are searching for. So you can check whether an image is plagiarised or not.
If you want to know the source of any image then you can make use of this tool. You can check the facts of the image and locate similar images and vice versa with the tool. The reverse image search is also available in Android and IOS devices.
Here you can learn how to use reverse image on phone and desktop.
How to do a reverse image search with Google?
You can perform a reverse image search in the phones and tablets. You can perform the function called reverse-image search workaround. Go to the image you want to search and long press. There will be an option that says “Search Google for This Image”. This option will only appear if you have Google Chrome. Furthermore, you can also bring the desktop version of Chrome in your mobile. For that go to the three-dot menu and choose Request Desktop Site.
A camera icon will appear on the mobile for you so you can upload the photos you want to reverse image search.
Another good tool that will help you in image search is Google lens. This app will be available in Google play so you can download it. It can identify the information and other matters related to the image you have searched.
How to do a reverse image search on Bing?
The other famous search engine is Bing. In your mobile press the camera icon on Bing. A pop up will ask you to permit Bing to access your photos. You have to accept it. Then on the next screen click browse button. After that again a pop up will appear to let you select a photo or take a photo. You can even choose from third party services.
If you want to do more there are the latest options in Bing for you to select a photo and reverse image search immediately. You will also be able to take photos from the camera roll, point your camera at a text, or scan the QR code.
What are the apps that will perform reverse image searches?
There are many apps which you can download to reverse image search easily. You can keep the app handy on your phone. Some of the best apps are Veracity, Search By Image, Reverse and more. Some of the functions in the app are available for free but if you want more in-app purchases are available.
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When to use the Google Reverse image search?
You can use the image search in the cases like
- You can find information about the photo using the reverse image search. So you can find the sites related to the photo.
- The reverse image search will get you similar pages of the photos you are searching for. So you can check whether an image is plagiarised or not.
- If you want to find photos associated with the specific image then the reverse image search will help you to get similar images.
How to use Reverse image search on mobile?

You have to download the Google Chrome mobile app to get the Reverse image search feature on your mobile. Then you will be able to use it on your Android as well as iPhone devices. The steps for both of the devices are the same.
1. Reverse search image using internet
- Open the on your Chrome app available on your mobile.
- You can describe the image you would like to search for example type White Cats.
- You can tap the search icon. Then Chrome will offer you the image results that will match your search.
- Select the image you want from the results. You can tap on it and enlarge the image.
- Now select “Search Google for This Image” which will be available in the pop-up menu.
- The search results will only have default as images. You can click the categories above in the search to get all the sites, news, and videos. Everything will come in the results related to your search term.
2. Reverse search using images in files
- Go to in the Chrome app.
- Click the icon of three horizontal dots available in the bottom right corner.
- In the pop-up menu, you can scroll down and choose “Request Desktop Site.”
- The Google image page will appear in the desktop browser. In the Google search bar click the camera icon.
- Choose the “Upload an image” and press “Choose File”. You can also select “Paste image URL”.
- Then in the Choose file select Photo Library and select Take Photo or Video or Browse. You can select the Photo Library to choose the image from your gallery.
- Find the image from the camera roll and click “Choose”.
- You will find similar images to your photo.
How to use Google image search on the computer?

1. Uploading the picture
- On the computer, you have to open a web browser such as Chrome and Safari.
- Then go to the Google images.
- Press search by image.
- Then upload the image.
- Choose the picture from the computer.
- Press open or choose.
2. Drop the image
- On the computer, open the browser.
- Then go to Google images.
- On the computer search for the picture, you want to reverse photo lookup.
- Press the picture
- Hold the mouse and drag the image and drop it in the search box.
3. Searching with URL
- Open a web browser such as Chrome or Safari.
- Then visit the website that has the image you want to reverse photo lookup.
- Right-click on the picture to copy the URL.
- After that press the Copy image address.
- Now go to Google Images.
- Press search by image.
- Then click paste image URL.
- Paste the URL in the text box.
- Press search by image.
These are the steps that you can use to Google search images on your mobile and desktop. Find the source of the image you prefer through this great tool.
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