You should have a strong, secure lock on all of your doors. This is especially true for your business. You must protect your assets if you have a large or small business. It’s also important to protect the safety of your employees and customers by having proper security measures in place. This means investing in quality locks and hiring a professional locksmith near your business to help manage them for you.
Determining the Type of Lock
When a locksmith is called to rekey a commercial property, they will first determine what type of lock is being used. This can be performed by visually inspecting the lock and then using special tools to inspect the pins inside. Once they have determined the type of lock, they will know how best to rekey it based on that information.
Several types of residential and commercial locks are in use today, such as keyed cylinders, magnetic pin tumblers, tubular lockset (TLS) cylinders, and many more. Your system at your home or business premises depends on how rekeying services are performed.
How Commercial Locksmiths Rekey Locks
Commercial locksmiths rekey locks by removing the cylinder, which is the part of the lock that holds the tumblers. Then, the commercial locksmith uses a special tool to remove the pins and springs holding the tumblers. When they’re finished, they’ll have access to all of these parts to put them back into place to replace them with new ones.
The next step is for the commercial locksmith to use a punch to insert new pins and springs into the cylinder. Once these parts are installed, it’s time for commercial locksmiths to install a new cylinder on top of the door’s existing one by using a special tool called an installer wrench.
After this process has been completed, commercial locksmiths will install new keys for each lock so that customers can open them easily when they need access inside their building or office space.
High-Security Locks Can Also Be Rekeyed
For many businesses, a high-security lock is the only way to protect their most valuable possessions. This is because they are more difficult to pick or break into than traditional locks, making them ideal for use on doors, cabinets, or other valuable areas.
If you have a high-security lock and wish to replace it but keep its security features, or if you want to improve, you may wonder what options are available. Commercial locksmiths can rekey high-security locks, which means they can change the lock’s internal mechanism to open with a different key. This is the optimal solution for firms that need to grant employees access during business hours but want to restrict access outside of business hours or while the building is closed.
Different Types of Locks
Commercial locksmiths can rekey a variety of different types of locks. The most common are:
- Keyed locks. A keyed lock requires the user to insert a key into it, turn it to unlock it, and then turn another part of the lock to open it.
- Combination locks. These are similar to keyed locks in that they require you to enter a combination number into a dial. However, instead of turning one section of the lock as with a keyed lock, you turn two or three sections at once depending on whether there are single or multi-turn dials.
- Electronic Locks or Keypad Locks. Electronically locking doors typically lack physical components, employing an electronic chip that wirelessly talks with your device when you create an account and scans your thumbprint via Bluetooth technology when you enter your building or workplace.
Why Commercial Locks Are Rekeyed
Commercial locks are often rekeyed to change the lock’s configuration. This can be done to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to a building, or it can be done to enable employees to access a building without having to use their keys.
In addition to rekeying commercial locks, some businesses also choose to upgrade their security by installing new locks altogether. This is one way that commercial locksmiths can help protect businesses against theft or other criminal activity.
How Do I Choose a Commercial Locksmith Service Near Me?
There are many different reasons you may need to rekey your business’s locks. You may be moving to a new business location and want to ensure that any people who have copies of the keys can no longer have access. Or perhaps an employee has resigned or been terminated, and you need to change all the locks so that only authorized employees can enter.
Regardless of the cause for rekeying, here are some guidelines for selecting a local commercial locksmith service:
- Check their credentials. Ask for references from individuals or companies they’ve worked with before and ask what kind of training they received before starting their career as a locksmith. If you need to have the locks on your business rekeyed, you should hire someone with experience who has also undergone extensive locksmithing training in this area.
- Find out if they offer 24/7 service. Having access to a locksmith service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, could save your business from being entirely shut down in the event of an emergency lockout.
- Consider having them install new hardware alongside their services, such as deadbolts or padlocks.
The security of your business is important, and a commercial locksmith can do an important job that you might not be able to do. Rekeying is fairly easy but can be dangerous, so hire a professional locksmith to eliminate any risk.
Also read: How The Locksmith Industry Will Impact Our Future?