While the call-blocking feature on iPhone and Android devices helps block bothersome callers and spammers, you may also use it to stop those with whom you disagree or avoid fraudulent calls. Therefore, this post is to help those who have been unjustly blocked your number (such as those who owe you money) and those who must contact someone urgently due to an emergency or compelling personal circumstances.
Is it Legal to get around a Call Block?
Before attempting to call someone who has blocked your phone number, you should be aware that phoning someone who does not want to accept your calls may be considered harassment and will get you into legal problems. You have a social and ethical obligation to protect the privacy of those on the other end, regardless of whether they are likely to take action.
As previously said, the purpose of this post is to assist individuals who are in an emergency or have compelling private reasons to contact the person who has blocked their phone number.
Call from a Different Number

The quickest way to Contact Someone Who Has Blocked Your Phone Number is to borrow someone else’s phone and call the person who has blocked your number. Because they should not block the new number you’re calling, the person on the other end will likely receive your call and respond to it. By doing so, you will be able to convey the appropriate message to the other person or clarify any misunderstanding (if any).
Hide your Caller ID and Place a Call
If you don’t like the idea of phoning from a different phone number, there is another option you might consider. You can conceal your caller ID on your smartphone and call the person who has banned your number. When you use Hidden Caller ID, your contact’s iPhone or Android Smartphone will be unable to recognize your Phone Number, and your call will be routed.
When you call the other person, you may either send your message or notify them that your phone number has been banned. The steps to Hide Caller ID differ depending on the model of smartphone you’re using.
How to Hide Caller ID on an iPhone

There is a simple technique for calling the person back on an iPhone. This is accomplished by utilizing a way to circumvent the iOS Call Blocking mechanism. Hide or disguise your phone number using this approach.
You can call the individual who has banned your phone number. They will not see your phone number appear on their phone. Instead, they’ll get the message “No Caller ID.” Your call will ring as usual on the individual’s phone.
- Go to Settings first, then phone.
- Tap the “Show My Caller ID” option now.
- Deactivate the “Show My Caller ID” option.
How to hide your Caller ID on Android
If you have an Android smartphone, follow the steps below:
- To begin, open the phone and touch on the three dots symbol in the upper right corner.
- Now, from the drop-down menu, select “Settings.”
- Next, touch More Settings and tap Hide Number on the pop-up.
- To exit the Caller ID Menu, press the cancel button.
After masking the Caller ID, contact the person who has blocked your phone number, and you should now be able to reach them. If your provider has disabled Caller ID Blocking on your Android phone, it will not work. In this scenario, you might try phoning from another phone.
1. Install an App that Generates a Random Phone Number

Take advantage of one of the many free applications that randomly assign you a phone number if you have a smartphone. You may use this number for messaging and calling within the app, and you may also use it to contact persons who do not use the app. This is a typically dependable technique of phoning someone who has blocked your number.
These apps allow you to generate random phone numbers. You may also go online for another free program that generates random phone numbers. The area code is created at random. The person will not know where the call originates.
2. Dial *67
The code will merely hide your phone number so that it appears to the recipient as “unknown” or “private.” Before calling the number you want, dial *67, then the number. For example, *670708111111.
3. Change your Phone Number
If nothing else works and you need to reach that individual, you can use someone else’s phone or change your phone number. Please remember that this strategy should only be used when you need to tell someone something and not to coerce or blackmail them; apologies and peacemaking are allowed.
Consider why you need to contact this individual and whether you might meet their needs in a less intrusive manner.To contact someone and say what you need is easy, but this may not be the most constructive strategy if the person in question feels invaded by the thought of speaking with you on the phone. If you want to express your thoughts and achieve closure, try writing a letter or email to the individual in question. If the recipient has more time to read and respond to your remarks, they may feel less frightened.
There is an emergency and you genuinely need to contact or locate someone, call mutual friends or the police. Look for a neutral individual who can assist you in reaching this person.
Also read: How to Call Voicemail on Android Phone, iPhone, without Accessing Your Phone?