To begin with, finding a slow leak in a tire and fixing it is a tough job. Further, finding a leak is only tough and then you need to fix it. In case there is no visible damage to the tire then finding a leak is very hard. Having a slow leak in your tire is a common issue. The problem can also happen for a brand new vehicle. However, here in the article, we will take you through the information on how to find and fix a leaky tire.
Check out this article to know how to plug a tire that leaks and ways to find the leak.
Reasons for a leaky tire of your vehicle
There are multiple reasons why your car or vehicle may experience a tire leak. A slow leak in the tire is always a nuisance. It can lead to damage to the tire or even the wheel of a vehicle. Therefore it is necessary and important that you diagnose the leak and fix it at the earliest possible.
Here are the common reasons for a leaky tire of your vehicle

1. Puncture
The first and the most common reason for a leaky tire is a puncture. Further, the common belief among vehicle users is that a puncture will immediately make the tire go flat. But that is not always true. Many times the object responsible for the puncture stays in the tire. This object prevents air from going out and starts a slow release of air leading to damage to the tire.
Therefore it must recognize the leak at the earliest possible and fix it. Over time unattended puncture can result in much serious damage.
2. Damage to the wheel
The next reason for a slow tire leak is damage to the wheel. Further, the area where the tire bend meets the rim can be damaged. This results in a slow leak in the tirethat can result in a flat. The damage to the wheel can be caused due to the driver. He may have hit the curb at a high speed resulting in the dent. Further, the driver may also cause damage due to potholes. Hence, the damage caused to the wheel can bend the metal surface and allows for the air to be released slowly from the tires.
3. Wearing out of valve system
The last and the most important cause of a slowly leaky tire is damage to the valve system. Further, the valves of a car can be damaged for several reasons. But the most important reason for its damage is regular wear and tear. Apart from this, the other reasons for the damage in time are exposed to the sun and other elements.
The top three reasons for a slow leak in the tire are mentioned above. Apart from this specific reason, a tire leak can be the result of many other things. No matter what is the reason for a slow tire leak, you must identify it and fix it at the earlier possible.
In the next part of the article, we will talk about ways to identify a slow leak and then how to plug a tire.
Ways to identify a slow leaky tire

- The first best way to identify a leak is by listening to the tire. Take a close look at the tire and listen to it closely, you will find the leak. This is because the tire will make a hissing sound in case of a leak. The sound is due to the air coming out of the tire through the hole. Therefore, listening to your tire will help you identify the leak.
- The next best way to find a leak in the tire is by using a soapy water solution. Take dish soap and mix it with water. Fill this solution into a spray bottle and spray it all over the tire including the rim, inner and exterior area. Where there is a leak the soapy water solution will start creating bubbles. However, depending on the size of the leak and the speed of the water sprayed it can take a couple of minutes for the bubbles to form.
- The next easiest way to identify a slow leak in a tire is by using regular water. Take the entire tire that you suspect the leaking and submerge it in water. Hold the tire in its place for some time and wait. In case there is a leak water bubbles will be formed showing you the area of damage. Even after some time if you are unable to identify the leak, flip the tire and re-submerge it. In this way, you will be able to find the leak in the tire and fix it before resulting in serious damage.
Fixing a leaky tire
When it comes to how to plug a tire- it depends on the type of damage. First, if the leak is caused due to piercing of an object, then you need professional help. They adopt the plug and patch method to fix a leak in the tire. In this method, the professional removes the entire tire to fix the leak. This method of fixing a leak in the tire takes time and professional help.
The next way to fix a leaky tire is damage to the valve. In case there is a leak due to valve damage you need to replace the same. Further, the same method is followed in case of damage to the rim. In such a situation you need to replace the wheel to fix a tire leak.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, a tire leak can become an issue if not fixed immediately. Here in this article, we have shared information on how to find a leak and fix it effectively.
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