There is little doubt about the cuteness of Chipmunks. These cute little animals are just adorable. Yet, chipmunks can create a lot of nuisance around the house. They can get into your garden and start digging up plants. In a way, they destroy plants and your garden. Also, chipmunks can carry pests that cause disease. Hence, you mustn’t allow them to stay too long and get rid of them at the earliest possible.
In this article, we will share tips and tricks on how to get rid of chipmunks?
How do I know that I have a chipmunk’s problem?
The first sign that tells whether or not you have a chip muck problem is your garden. You usually, find your garden dug everywhere in case it is infested with chipmunks. Apart from this, these cute animals travel and enter the home for two good reasons food and shelter. Chipmunks need food or water and so they eat your fruits and vegetable plants. They possess a huge danger to the garden. As they attack the bulb of the plant directly destroy it. So, you must get rid of them as early as possible.
What problems can occur due to chipmunks?

It is hard to believe that cute animals pose any threat to us. But don’t be carried away by the cuteness of the animals. They can cause real damage to your building and its surroundings if left unsupervised.
As mentioned earlier in the article, chipmunks eat fruits and vegetable plants. They attack the bulb of the plants and eat them directly. It destroys the harvest of the plants. Apart from this, Chipmunks also eat nuts and seeds.
Chipmunks also feed on small insects, small birds and their eggs. Further, they live in a barrow. So, in the process of digging barrows chipmunks can cause structural damage to the building. They can undermine the earth below the walls, patio and other outer structures of the buildings. So, as we all know prevention is better than cure. Get rid of chipmunks before it’s too late.
Now, this leads to the question – of how to get rid of chipmunks.
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What are the best ways to get rid of chipmunks?

They are multiple ways to get rid of chipmunks. But the best answer to how to get rid of chipmunks is simple. Use prevention and exclusive method to control and eradicate them.
In this part of the article, we will list four easy and humane ways to get rid of chipmunks.
1. Trapping and release
The first best method to get rid of chipmunks is similar to other small animals. Just like rats and squirrels, use a trapping system to get rid of them. Under this method, set small traps in places that are infested with chipmunks.
It is recommended to use small traps in your garden and the areas surrounding your home to trap the chipmunks. Further, it is suggested that the traps be placed in hidden locations than set out in open. Also, apply a layer of peanut butter or another food item to attack the animal. Finally, make sure you check the trap occasionally and release it immediately. Follow the local laws of the region to set a trap and release the chipmunks. It is advisable to release the chipmunk away from your home to avoid re-infestation.
2. Homemade repellents
The next best way to get rid of chipmunks is by using homemade repellents. There are various repellents that you can prepare at home that help you get rid of chipmunks. These repellents are a cost-effective way to get chipmunks. Most homemade repellents are not harmful to the animal. They just help in getting rid of the animal without causing much trouble. The best homemade repellent for getting rid of chipmunks is garlic and hot pepper.
Use the combination of both garlic and hot pepper in a hot soapy water solution. Let the water cool down before adding the garlic and hot pepper puree. After adding the puree to the soap water solution add one tablespoon of oil. Transfer the solution to the spray bottle and spray it a little on the plants that you want the chipmunks to keep away.
Apart from garlic and hot pepper, you can also use castor oil and ammonium soap to make homemade repellents.
3. Maintain your garden and landscape
Chipmunks are attracted to a landscape that has a lot of shrubs and rock walls. These provide cover space for the animal and they can easily hide and feed on plants. So, you must get rid of such plants. Also, remove any rock walls near your structure. By following these steps you can make your landscape less attractive and prevent chipmunks from entering your home.
In addition to this, you can also, take the help of nature. Build an elegant owl box in your garden or near your structure. The box can attack owls to stay in it during the night. These birds are predators and attack chipmunks and other small rodents. In this way, you will be able to protect your garden and avoid chipmunks damaging it.
4. Additional steps
In addition to above mentioned three steps, you can prevent chipmunks from damaging your structure by doing these things. The first thing is to bury an L- the shaped barrier of 1/4 hardware cloth around the home foundation. Place the same thing around the patios, porches and decks to avoid chipmunks from borrowing.
The next thing to do is to make sure that you surround the home or yard with a gravel border. Finally, clean your landscape and garden regularly. Sweep off the bird feeder, fallen leaves and debris. Also, get rid of leaves or debris piles regularly.
Bottom Line
With this, we conclude our article on how to get rid of chipmunks. The article lists four simple and unique ways to get rid of chipmunks before they cause more damage.
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