An entomologist will give you a clear explanation of gnats. It is one of the many species of tiny flying insects. They both belong to the biting and non-biting category in the dipterid suborder Nematocera. It comes from the family of insects such as Mycetophilidae, Anisopodidae, and Sciaridae. But there is no need to remember these names. If you want to know how to get rid of them then you are in the right place. The gnats prefer to live inside and outside our homes. This can be a nuisance for us.
They are known as fruit flies, midges, or no-see-ums by many people. No matter what you call them getting rid of them is an important task. So here know how to put a gnat trap with the easy methods below.
What are The gnats?

One of the first ways to get rid of insects is to identify what they are. Pest control professionals do that to effectively get rid of bugs and insects invading a house or other establishments. Also, it is important to know why they are attracted to your home. The insects like gnats are like to survive in an area where there is moisture. Some of the species of gnats prefer house plants. The soil in the house plants is like paradise for them.
Other gnats seek out places where there are decomposing foods or debris. If your home has lots of garbage lying around then it can become a breeding ground for these insects. So if there is any wetness in your home or backyard then expect gnats as your guests. The gnats take advantage of these favorable situations for their breeding and survival.
Is Gnat invasion serious?
Gnats can become a nuisance if they are present in large numbers. A few gnats can be eliminated with easy natural methods. But if there are lots of gnats around your home then you require professional help. They can also threaten your health by contaminating foods. Mostly they can also carry pathogens that can lead to harmful diseases for people who come in contact with the gnats.
Some gnats can also bite humans. By a single bite, they can spread diseases such as river blindness. That is why it is important to control the gnat population before they become numerous.
How to say goodbye forever to gnats?
1. Use flying paper
For many generations, using old-fashioned sticky flying paper as a gnat trap is a popular method. You can simply hang the flying paper in places you find gnats. Then wait for the flying insects to get stuck in the paper. Many people are using ribbon flypaper which serves as a good gnat trap. Just stick this paper in the windows and gnat-prone areas around your home. Then after the insects are trapped you can dispose of the paper and stick a new one.
2. Use rotten fruit
Can you trap fruit flies with the fruit? Yes, you can it is the best gnat trap. You have to place many pieces of rotten fruit in a medium-sized bowl. Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and use a rubber band to secure it. After that, use a toothpick or narrow skewer to poke many holes in the plastic cover. The gnats will get attracted by the rotten fruit smell and will crawl inside the hole. Once they get inside the bowl they will not be able to come outside.
3. Use cider vinegar
You can make a gnat trap using apple cider vinegar. In a bowl of one cup warm water add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then use six drops of liquid dish soap and one tablespoon of sugar. You have to mix well with a fork till the sugar dissolves. Blend all the ingredients in the bowl together. Place this bowl in places you find gnats. The scent of sugar and vinegar attracts the gnats and traps them.
4. Use houseplants
The gnats are attracted to wet soil. So to get rid of them you can place a houseplant as a gnat trap. Then spread honey on bright yellow index cards. Glue the card to a straw or chopstick and stick it in the soil of the houseplants. The yellow cards will attract the gnats as it is the color of plants under stress. The curious gnats come to investigate the plant and will get trapped because of it.
5. Use ultraviolet light
You can use ultraviolet light as a gnat trap. The UV light-powered indoor fly traps like Katchy and FENUN make use of ultraviolet rays to trap bugs. There is a small fan in the chamber that sucks the gnats. Then in the glue board, the gnats get stuck and die. Also if you are ready to spend a couple of dollars then the high-tech options to get rid of bugs can help you. You can avoid the hassle of creating natural gnat traps in your home. That is why these ultraviolet bug trappers are the best. These are clean and quiet.
6. Use Gnat Stix
You can buy a highly effective gnat trap known as Gnat Stix. These are non-toxic sticks available at fewer costs. It helps to get rid of the fungus gnats. You can eliminate the common gnats in your home with the Gnat Stix. According to the manufacturer, this gnat trap even gets rid of the worst infestations without toxic pesticides.
7. Red wine
You can make a homemade gnat trap by using a shallow dish and red wine. It attracts the gnats and is an effective way to get rid of them. Some homeowners use a container with openings such as a water bottle. So it makes it hard for the gnats to fly away. Because of the scent of the red wine, the gnats will try to investigate it and get trapped in the dish. These traps can also work with fruit flies and other small bugs.
Use the methods above to get rid of gnats. By doing this frequently, decrease the spread of several diseases.
Also read: How to Get Rid of Pincher Bug or Earwig Bug: Fact, Diet, lifespan?