Mice and rats that appear in apartments, houses, outbuildings, farms, summer cottages, as well as basements and vegetable storage pits, cause a lot of problems for people. Spoiled clothes, food, and seed material are nothing compared to the dangers posed by rodents. Among the main reasons for getting аrid of pests is the spread of diseases. But to help you get rid of unwanted animals, https://critterstop.com/ will always help you.
Signs of Rodents in the House
Given that the animals go “hunting” in the dark and in complete silence, people may not know for a long time that rodents live in their homes.
The extreme caution of mice and rats leads to the fact that a person begins to guess about unwanted neighbors only when they discover:
- traces of teeth on things (books, furniture, linen);
- animal excrement (feces);
- the smell of urine;
- food spoilage.
Squeaking and rustling, which can be heard clearly at night, suggest the presence of rodents.
These signs make you think about the need to search for burrows and nests. Most often, such places are out of easy reach: under the rubble of unnecessary things in sheds, in pantries, and under the bathroom.
Even if no burrows are found, you should continue to look for mice in the ventilation system, near sewer pipes, and under wooden floors. The animals can also settle in attics.
Rodent Harm, Methods, and Prevention Measures

The appearance of rodents is particularly dangerous not only because the animals are carriers of dangerous diseases, including typhoid, tuberculosis, and leptospirosis, but also because rodents cause considerable property damage. Summer residents and farmers are at risk, as mice can destroy seedlings, grain, and bedding stored for cattle, birds, or pigs.
The main way to prevent rodents in homes and apartments is to keep the place tidy. It is important to keep your neighbors’ apartments clean, as omnivorous rats and mice can come from there to find new territory. To prevent the emergence of nesting sites, it is very important to timely check nooks and crannies, and clean sheds and barns.
It is worth noting that even where all precautions are taken, it will be impossible to get a complete guarantee of the absence of rodents. That is why regular inspections of the territory, attention to small details that may indicate the presence of rats and mice, as well as the use of traps will never be superfluous.
Benefits of Professional Disinfestation
Involving specialists in pest control saves time and money. The use of especially potent drugs, as well as an integrated approach to eliminating the problem caused by rats, mice, and other rodents that invade human homes, guarantees the rapid extermination of pests.
Preventive measures that will be taken after the main cycle of pest control will avoid the appearance of mice in the future, but the client, at whose facility a set of works was carried out, should take care of
- repair of walls and floors damaged by pests;
- eliminating illegal dumps of laundry, books, and garbage;
- conducting regular inspections to detect burrows.
When it comes to food storage, you should give preference to tightly closed containers. It is very important to take care of glazing windows in attics, installing nets in ventilation shafts and sewer pipes. It is also a good idea to install an “on-call” trap or mousetrap in the house.
Fighting the plague on your own is not the answer. The most effective way to finish off the rodents is to hire a team of rodent control specialists!
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