Limit meetings to one or two people a day and set a daily email limit. Encourage employees to keep their emails short, polite, and accurate, and make email subject lines descriptive of what they’re communicating. Use effective collaboration tools, such as Slack, to make communication with co-workers easier. The more efficient your communications are, the more productive your employees will be.
1. Reduce The Number of Meeting Attendees
Among other strategies to improve workplace productivity, one of the most effective is to reduce the number of meeting attendees. Meetings are usually the default option when discussing things, exchanging information, and asking questions. If you want to reduce the number of meetings, you should try to shorten the meeting duration. Twenty to twenty-five minutes is ample time to cover the main points of a meeting. Provide training for your employees and make sure that they receive the necessary information in the most appropriate format. Keeping your employees engaged is another way to improve employee productivity.
– Shorter meetings
The study’s authors report that most employees would prefer shorter meetings and fewer meetings. Surveys conducted by Market Cube revealed that over 60% of respondents said they had more meetings than they wanted. In addition, workers rated meetings as highly valuable because they would get work done sooner. Moreover, they noted that shorter meetings were more productive than longer ones.
– Inefficient meetings
One major reason for inefficient meetings is the inability to achieve goals. Inefficient meetings rob the organisation of valuable time and lower employee morale. Thus, you need to make meetings more productive. In addition to reducing the number of meetings, you should also consider eliminating them. These meetings can help you foster organisation-wide collaboration, boost employee productivity, and facilitate new ideas. It can also help you increase the quality of your communication with your colleagues.
Amidst all these one things that assist you to go through all these meetings and another regular office, work is a cup of strong coffee. Having said that coffee can make you tired and dizzy
2. Allowing Employees To Work From Home

Studies have shown that allowing employees to work from home increases employee productivity. For example, a study by Airtasker found that workers who work from home spend fewer hours avoiding work and more time working. The study also found that those who work from home spend less time on social media, avoid work, and focus on personal tasks. Despite these findings, more companies should consider allowing employees to work from home.
– Covid situation
Almost half of all COVID-pandemic workers report that they work from home at least some of the time. Before the omicron virus began to spread, 83% of workers were working from home. By October 2020, this figure rises to 71%. Furthermore, 23% of these workers reported that they teleworker frequently before the outbreak, so it is clear that telework increases employee productivity.
– Increased productivity
According to a study by CoSo Cloud, allowing employees to work from home has increased employee productivity in the workplace. It has also reduced attrition, which can cost a company anywhere between $10,000 and $30,000.
3. Using Social Networking Tools
– More productivity
A recent study shows that the use of social networking tools can increase employee productivity by as much as 46 percent. Social tools include instant messaging, text messaging, video conferencing, news feeds, and team sites such as SharePoint. They help employees connect with coworkers, clients, and suppliers while simultaneously improving the flow of information throughout the enterprise.
While the use of these tools is still in its early stages, companies are recognizing the benefits of these social media tools.
– Health improvement
Employers should focus on improving the health and productivity of employees. Employees should take frequent breaks to refresh their minds and keep their energy high. For instance, social media can offer a five-minute break from the work environment and let employees catch up with their friends or watch cat videos. The study also shows that workers using social media in the workplace increase productivity by at least nine percent.
This is good news for businesses. Amidst all these employees also must sleep properly in order to be creative and effective at work. Also, there are many benefits of fixing your sleep schedule, and getting proper sleep will actually help you with that..
– Distraction
While social networking can boost productivity, it also has its disadvantages. One study found that social networking in the workplace led to 49 percent of employees who were distracted by their social networks. Another study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that social networking can boost employee productivity by up to seven percent. Further, employees with large social networks were 30 percent more productive than their co-workers with smaller social networks.
4. Setting SMART Goals
If you’d like to improve employee productivity in your workplace, setting SMART goals is a good place to start. These goals are measurable, specific, attainable, and time-based. The more specific and measurable your goal is, the more likely it will be achieved. And by setting Smart goals, you’ll increase employee motivation and engagement. You can even set smart goals for your team!
– Short goals
It’s common knowledge that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. That’s because many of them have no actionable basis. Setting Smart goals, however, requires a workable plan, processes, and micro-tasks. Even one long-term goal can be broken down into several, bite-sized goals, such as writing a pitch deck or creating a business plan. These sub-goals should each have their micro roadmap and should be treated like separate Smart goals.
5. Rewarding Employees
Rewarding employees for a job well-done can be a simple yet effective way to improve employee productivity. When done correctly, it can result in increased employee morale, reduced turnover, and higher profits. Research shows that happy employees are 12 percent more productive than unhappy ones. According to Inc, 86 percent of employees feel happier and more satisfied with their jobs after being recognized at work.
– Reward programs
The key to creating a rewards program that drives employee engagement and increases morale is to recognize both major and minor milestones. While most companies focus on major milestones, it is equally important to recognize smaller successes, as well. Providing a variety of small goals to aim for can also help employees feel more included, which will increase employer branding. Rewarding employees for a job well-done is a fast way to increase employee productivity in the workplace.
Rewarding employees for a job well-done can be easily implemented. When an employee meets a milestone, they may not know why they were rewarded or how to replicate it. To fulfil this need, awarding them with a free conference ticket or a certification may be an excellent idea. Just make sure the message is short, to the point, and includes the name of the project.
Also read: How to Adopt Asynchronous Work Without Affecting Productivity