In order to get a job with the United States Postal Service, applicants must pass the postal exam. This test is designed to evaluate applicants for various positions within the company, from office clerks and mail handlers to customer service representatives and mechanics. A competitive score on this assessment will put applicants at the front of the line for available jobs. With the right preparation, it is possible to score well on these postal tests and start a career with one of America’s largest employers.
The USPS Postal Exam has a relatively low pass rate, so preparation is key. There are online USPS practice test free and books that can help candidates prepare for the test and improve their chances of success. These resources can provide sample questions and solutions that are similar to those found on the real postal exam. They can also help applicants learn how to approach different types of postal exam questions, and which techniques are best for each type.
During the exam, it is important to pace yourself and answer the questions as quickly as possible. Applicants are given 11 minutes to answer 60 questions in Part A and 15 minutes to answer 30 questions in Part B, so they have very little time to overthink the answers. In addition, incorrectly answered questions are subtracted from your total score in these sections, so accuracy is paramount. During the test, it is also helpful to read the job description for the position you are applying for, as this can help candidates prepare their responses for the Work Scenario and Describe Your Approach questions.
The Describe Your Approach and Work Scenario sections are designed to assess your ability to communicate, teamwork skills, and customer service skills. In order to do well on these sections, it is essential to read the job description thoroughly and understand the culture of the USPS. In addition, reading articles about the USPS and their values can also be helpful in preparing for these sections. It is also important to remember that the USPS values teamwork, communication, and customer service, so be sure to reflect this in your answers.
Exam 955 assesses your mechanical and electrical skills, so it is important to study for this section ahead of time. This can include practicing your mental arithmetic and numeric reasoning, as well as studying scientific formulas that are commonly used in this field of work. It is also a good idea to spend some time on spatial reasoning exercises, as these are often seen on this section of the assessment.
The final section of the test is a personality evaluation that looks at an applicant’s personal characteristics and their fit in with USPS culture. This section does not have any right or wrong answers, and it is important to answer questions honestly and quickly. It is also important to finish this section in a timely manner, as local testing centers may have limited availability. Those who are successful in passing the USPS Postal Exam will receive their results through an email shortly after taking it.
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