The iconic anime and manga series One Piece has made a triumphant leap onto the live-action realm of Netflix, featuring the talented actor Iñaki Godoy as the spirited Monkey D. Luffy. In an interview with The Laterals Iñaki Godoy opened up about the immense responsibility that comes with bringing to life a character beloved by a massive and loyal fanbase. Despite Luffy’s cheerful image, Godoy admitted to facing moments of pressure, acknowledging the challenging nature of stepping into the shoes of such a well-established character.
“There were times when it was very hard, and the pressure of it all got to me,” Godoy confessed. However, he found solace and strength in channeling Luffy’s infectious tenacity. He emphasized that, over time, playing the character allowed him to immerse himself in Luffy’s spirit, making the experience more enjoyable and helping him navigate the demands of being the lead actor in a high-profile project.
Reflecting on the transformative impact of the role, Godoy shared on Instagram, “Luffy and One Piece push me to be the best version of myself, and it has changed my life completely.” He was very thankful for the opportunity to be the movie Luffy.
Iñaki Godoy’s Journey as Luffy
Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos described the search for the perfect Luffy as “one of the most difficult casting challenges in the history of our original programming.” However, to their delight, Godoy, a rising star, was already within their talent family. His successful portrayal of Luffy in Netflix’s “One Piece” has elevated him to the status of a global superstar.
Godoy’s journey with Netflix began with his role in the Mexican series “Who Killed Sara?”. His performance in the first season received acclaim from both existing fans of the anime and new audiences, prompting Netflix to greenlight a second season.
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