The Monopoly board game is an all-time favorite indoor game. Further, monopoly is a classic family game. Even today, many people enjoy playing games with their family and friends.
So, look no more if you are wondering how to play monopoly. We will take you through everything you need to know about the game, from setup to rules.
Overview of the Monopoly Board Game
As mentioned earlier in the article, the Monopoly board game is a classic family game. The game was first released in the year 1993. But today, it is one of the all-time favorite games and is played worldwide.
Furthermore, a monopoly game is one of the best ways for families to gather and spend time with each other. Also, a monopoly is a good way to teach a child how to handle money and make the right decisions in life. Further, there is no doubt that playing the game is fun but requires a level of strategy to win.
Many of you who are reading this article already know about the game and how to play it. Yet this article is a refresher as so much is changed in the game since it was originally introduced.
Basic of Monopoly Board Game

The Monopoly board game is all about interesting your money in buying property. It is usually played among two or more players. The players of the game are initially given a certain amount of cash. Further, the players must roll the dice to decide their fate and invest in the right property.
The setup of the game is very similar to real-life real estate. The ultimate motive of the game is not how many properties you own but how much you made. So, while playing the game, make sure you value quality over quantity.
Set up of the game
- The first thing you need to do to play the game is set up the board. Pick your board, unfold it and place it in the center. The main purpose of placing the board in the center is to make it visible to everyone. Further, players playing the game should sit around the board.
- The next thing you need to do is to pick up two decks of cards that come with the game. These decks are marked as community chest and chance. Shuffle the deck properly and place them in the space provided on the board. For more information on rules regarding chance and community, check the instruction manual provided with the game.
- The third thing you need to do before starting the game is choosing a player token. Monopoly board game comes with various pawns or tokens that players can choose. These tokens are distinct and easy and help identify the player.
- The next step is the most important part of the game. You need to decide who will be the banker and sign responsibility to them. The main work of a banker is handling cash. Every time you purchase a property or pay rent, the amount goes to the bank. Further, the banker is also a person who gives players the initial sum to start the game.
- Finally, the last part of the game setup is determining who plays first. Every player is given a chance to roll the dice. The player who rolls the highest number starts the game and proceeds clockwise.
The aftermath of rolling the dice in the game
After the players start rolling the dice, you need to place the token at a number as shown in the dice. For instance, if you roll a six, you need to move six spaces in the board starting from the beginning tab. All players follow the same procedure in the game.
Later on, after rolling the dice and landing on the space, you can either buy the property or skip it. Further, you can buy the property only if it is available and not owned by other players in the game.
On paying the amount prescribed for the property, you will be able to collect the property card. Suppose you land on a property owned by another player and need to pay rent to that player.
Apart from this, you may land on special spaces, and that space’s rules will be listed on the game board. Also, players can trade money or property with other players. Players can also mortgage or mortgage the property with the bank.
But the game’s main goal is to own all three properties of the same color and create a monopoly. Once a player establishes a monopoly in the game, they can collect a fat rent from other players for their property when they land on it.
Ending of the Monopoly Board Game

It usually takes around an hour or two to complete the game. It may also take longer, depending on the players playing the game. However, a player is out when he cannot pay someone or, in other words, goes bankrupt.
In such a situation, all the properties that the player should be returned. This property and any other benefits will be given to the player who had to receive the money from him. The game continues unless only one player is remaining.
The remaining players can continue the game without the player who went bankrupt. Further, the last-standing player will be declared a winner.
In most cases, it takes hours to reach the end of the game. People sometimes declare the player with the highest number of properties or wealth as the winner. The main reason people end the game this way is due to the lack of time.
Final thoughts
Monopoly is a fun and classic family board game that all can play. Further, the game is simple and requires no complicated setup. In this article, we have shared everything you need to know about the monopoly board game.
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