If you are a Pokémon fan then you will like to explore more about the different types of Pokémon. Some of the creatures that are popular in the Pokémon fandom are Dinosaur Pokémon. They are reminiscent of the creatures that once ruled the world. As Pokemon is a large genre it contains a variety of creatures. Each has its specialty and talents. That is why the dinosaur Pokemon is powerful. There are over 900 kinds of such Pokémon available.
But here you can know about the 10 Most Powerful Dinosaur Pokémon. It is difficult to remember their names as they are big. So you can learn many interesting details to learn about them.
1. Meganium

Meganium is a type of Dinosaur Pokémon that looks like a Sauropod. It has a long neck and a small head. They eat grass just like the Sauropod variety of Brachiosaurus. Also, this dinosaur moves as a petal blizzard at level 70. This creature has antennae and has petals around its body. The petals release an aroma that can calm the senses of the people around it. Further its breath can bring back leaves and flowers to life. So it is one of the strongest grass type dino Pokémon.
2. Sceptile

This Pokemon is the final evolution of the starter Treeko. It comes in generation three. Also, it has the talent to run at high speeds just like a raptor. Then its appearance is reptilian. It is strong because of the mega evolution. Further, it has moves like petal storm and frenzy plant. The creature has a red marking in its eyes. The tail of the creature is long and acts like a stinger. That is why it is a jungle Pokemon.
3. Bastiodon

This Pokemon looks like Triceratops. It is a type of rock and steel Dinosaur Pokémon. This evolves from Shieldon at level 30. That is why it is one of the powerful dinosaurs. Also, it can learn iron head and heavy slam. The head of this creature looks like a castle wall. It has plates on his back that serve as protection. Because of its intimidating appearance, it looks like a dangerous creature. But it is quite docile when trained.
4. Groudon

This Pokémon is one of the legendary trios. It looks like Theropods. Also, it is a powerful creature that created the Pokémon land. This type of Pokémon is known for their strength as they have moves like eruption and precipice blades.
5. Palkia

This Dinosaur Pokémon was introduced in generation four. It is a water and dragon-type creature. Also, it can distort the space. Further, this creature looks like an Oviraptor and Plateosaurus. It can learn some of the great moves like spatial trends. This move makes this Pokemon very powerful.
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6. Volcanion

This is the newest type of Pokémon that looks like a dinosaur of old. It is a dual-type of Pokemon that has water as well as firepower. Also, this Pokemon became famous in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel. In the movie, this creature did not like humans.
7. Nidoking/ Nidoqueen

This Pokemon may not look like a dinosaur at first glance. But when it evolves it can look big and fierce. It has some toxic horns and a large tail. Also, it has scales like armor. It is a protective Pokémon as it protects its children from dangers. These types of Pokemon belong to the drill category. Further, it is a Pokémon with large eyes and spiny ears.
8. Dracozolt

It is a hybrid fossil Dinosaur Pokémon with a small yellow upper body. It has two wings that have the shape of lightning bolts. Also, it has a long neck like the raptor. Then it has a red spot on its cheeks. The power of this Pokemon is electricity. All its power is in its powerful tail muscles. But it can consume its plant sources causing the creatures to become nearly extinct. It is one of the well-known dinosaur-type Pokemon as it looks like a T-Rex.
9. Carracosta

This Pokemon looks like a mixture of a dinosaur as well as a turtle. It is a reptilian type of Pokemon that is deep blue. Then it has a thick tail and short legs. According to the sources this Pokemon lived in the sea for many years. But it has become extinct. It has strong jaws so it can eat steel and rocks. The creature is known to be an active hunter in both the land and sea.
10. Tropius

This Pokemon looks like a brachiosaurus. Many people forget to mention this Pokemon but this is also one capable creature. It has giant leaf-like wings on its back. This creature is an herbivore. Even Though it looks heavy it can fly easily. Also it has a long neck which helps it to reach the treetops.
These are the ten powerful Pokemon that look like dinosaurs. They have made appearances in several Pokémon games, series, and movies. These creatures are strong and show many good skills.
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