What are some of the first things that come to mind when we hear the word “Pokemon?” I agree that our youths were similar. We used to fantasize about becoming a Pokemon master like ‘Ash Gray,’ and having a best friend like Pikachu with whom we could go on adventures.
Because of the numerous Pokemon video games, we all have fond memories of our youth. Some Pokemon are easy to catch thanks to the game developers, while others are a nightmare.
Pokemon GO, created by Niantic, Nintendo, and The Pokemon Company, was released on July 6, 2016, and has since become one of the most downloaded mobile games of all time, as well as a favorite among Pokemon fans.
It’s common knowledge that the rarest Pokemon are also the most difficult to catch and believe me when I say that despite countless hours of trying, I’ve yet to catch one of that tier. Consider yourself fortunate if you were able to capture one of the rarest Pokemon.
But wait a minute! I’m guessing you don’t know which Pokemon require the most effort to capture. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Without further ado, let’s find out which Pokemon are the most difficult to find in the game.
These Are the Cutest Pokemon GO Monsters

This list of the world’s rarest Pokemon is something we all wanted but never got.
1. Melmetal
Melmetal is thought to be a difficult Pokemon to evolve into. Not only is the price (400 candies) prohibitive, but obtaining those candies is more difficult than defeating almost any other monster in the game.
The fact that this brand-new Pokemon is so difficult to find adds to its allure. Almost every Pokemon Go player wishes they could own one. Here, I’ll show you a few different approaches that have previously worked for me when attempting to capture this Pokemon.
2. Noiba
Look no further than Noibat if you’re looking for a dragon Pokémon with flight abilities. It has no bearing on Ice, Fairy, Dragon, or Rock abilities. Wing Attack and Dragon Pulse are Noibat’s most powerful attacks. Noivern is the adult version of Noibat. They live in caves and prefer complete darkness. Their enormous ears can produce ultrasonic vibrations at a frequency of 200,000 hertz.
3. Sandile
The Sandile, a Dark-type Ground Pokémon, lives in the Unova region. It will evolve into a Krokorok after eating 25 candies, and then into a Krookodile. This Pokemon can only be obtained through an egg known as the “red egg” due to its distinctive color.
4.Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit each
Because these Pokemon are not only rare but also region-locked, you will need some international friendships to help you catch all three of them. While Mesprit and Azelf can be found in both Europe and the Americas, Uxie is only found in Asia and the Pacific.
5. Unown
Unown is one of the few Pokemon whose moves are useful in both offense and defense. Simply combine the effects of Hidden Power and Struggle to significantly increase the strength of your Unown.
If you’re looking for Unown, keep in mind that it’s a very rare Pokemon. Regular gatherings for Pokémon Go players, such as the Go Fest, are one example. Unown does, however, appear on occasion outside of events.

6. Pikachu
Ahaa! So, here’s my personal favorite, and I’m sure you have one as well. As an Electric type Pokémon, this Pikachu Libre is ideal for a Pokkén tournament. She made her debut as a new form of Pikachu alongside her male counterpart in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
This Pokemon can be obtained by reaching the level of 25 in games. Although it may appear to be a lot of work at first, I assure you that the end result will be well worth it.
7. Axew
Axew, a dragon-type Pokémon, lives in the Inova region. Axew’s Iron Tail and Dragon Claw are its most effective attacks in Gyms.
This Pokemon can evolve into two forms: Fraxure and Haxorus. This Pokemon takes a long time to evolve into Haxoros, which could be a disadvantage.
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