2021 was tagged the “Great Developer Drought” period. And this is because all around the world, there is a shortage of software engineers compared to demand. Well, this has always been the case. However, the demand rose higher in 2021 because the 2020 crisis forced companies to put off digital transformation projects, and now when these projects are to be resumed, there is a sudden rush for software engineers that can carry them out.
Unfortunately, only a few people were available to fill the void.
Why is There A Shortage of Software Engineers?
Every business and other entity that requires development nowadays is supported by code. The pandemic has propelled the “go digital or die” drive. Unfortunately, businesses have to deal with the harsh reality of talent scarcity in software development. There aren’t enough IT professionals available to provide top-notch services, yet software supports almost 90% of all operations in the average firm.
Taking a look at the global market level, it has been estimated that for every 100 open positions, there are only 65 qualified candidates. Compared to pre-pandemic times, when there were roughly 85 unemployed candidates for every 100 job openings, this ratio is meagre. No matter the industry, today, it might be challenging to recruit talented staff due to a skills shortage.
Here are the major causes of the Shortage of qualified Software Engineers

Lack of Qualified Faculty to Teach Software Engineering and Computer Science
Since software engineering is a lucrative industry, many professionals with doctoral degrees opt to work alone or as part of an organization rather than seek academic careers. Sadly, this development leaves a void for teaching staff who are experts in software and computer science engineering.
Many young people may not think about choosing software engineering as a major in their university because there are fewer professionals available to teach. Additionally, with fewer professors and academic professionals available, there is a significant increase in the student-to-teacher ratio, thus a lot of people that are genuinely interested in passing this knowledge on can not do so efficiently as there are more than enough students for them to handle.
Programs for Tech Apprenticeship/Internship that are Underdeveloped
Unfortunately, the educational system in many countries does not encourage courses in the technological sector. There are a lot of people who have managed to develop software engineering skills but are prevented from reaching their true potential due to the limited amount of tech apprenticeships/internships available around them
Although some organizations offer internship programs, they are often unpaid and are not attractive enough for prospective interns. Since software engineering is a technical field, competitive starting compensation is a major incentive. Without it, in addition to the lack of apprenticeships and low-tech experience, many people could struggle to succeed in a particular area of their professions. Therefore, before securing a dream job, paid internships are essential for developing the necessary skills and knowledge of software engineering.
What is The Global Demand for Software Engineers?
The need for IT skills is expanding as machine learning technologies become a more important part of our day-to-day activities. With each decade, the integration of software technologies increases, and more and more communication, entertainment, sport and military systems integrate these technologies to become more efficient and productive. However, it is important to note that this rapid integration of software technology has not been met with an equally rapid increase in the number of software engineers available, this has left a gap that has driven up the demand for competent technological engineers.
In recent months, the globalization of the job market for IT professionals has greatly accelerated. It can be seen that the location of the employee matters less and less, what counts are their skills, including communication skills, i.e. good English. The development of remote work has made many companies believe in this employment model and are looking for talent on all continents, say data prepared by tech company ASPER BROTHERS.
How will The Demand for Engineers Grow?
Websites and applications are now necessary for even the simplest operations and consumer interactions, even for small firms. Health insurance providers use software to handle enrollments and electronically monitor all client plans. In addition, many products on the market need particular software to function. As a result, there is a significant need for software developers due to the companies’ high expectations for mobile-friendly apps and websites.
Companies are periodically updating their software due to ongoing technological innovations A functional and efficient code often only lasts a few years, so organizations need software engineers to keep them up to date by reviewing these codes and making adjustments when necessary.
Another important factor we need to consider is the rapid increase in project complexity, in the early times, simple computer applications with minimal security and functionality were however, as time changed, there is a need for more complicated software applications to carry out more complicated activities that will satisfy us. Thus businesses will now need more software engineers than they had a few years ago to deliver great outcomes and performance to their consumers.
In the USA, there is a rapid increase in the need for software engineers. However, the growing labour deficit is also worrisome. A variety of factors causes the lack of software engineers in the United States and in many places across the globe
Unsurprisingly, remote recruiting increased dramatically in 2021, with software engineers receiving 98,846 more interview requests for remote employment than for local positions (92,383).
According to reports, full-stack developers were in high demand. “Companies have been more aggressively hiring full-stack engineers in 2021. Average earnings have increased along with the total demand, even for remote jobs and jobs in smaller tech hubs.
What are The Ways To Deal aith The Shortage of Software Engineers?
It won’t be simple to eliminate this shortfall. There are millions of people out there who, despite not having received a formal education, have attained an outstanding level of talent but are being overlooked because the majority of employers still only consider resumes as part of the application process. Employers must broaden their search areas and alter their hiring procedures to address this.
Better Hiring Process
Since most businesses can successfully manage a remote staff thanks to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the geographic or educational constraints that most enterprises formerly faced are nonexistent.
No matter what position a company is hiring for, the coding evaluation should come first in the employment process. Organizations have the option of customizing coding assessments or using pre-made ones that meet their specific requirements. Threshold or score conditions can also be specified to help employers choose individuals that best fit their requirements.
Structured interviews are also a fantastic approach for companies to forecast a candidate’s performance on the job because they use a consistent set of questions, phrases, and evaluation measures. And the good news is that businesses may accomplish this with the aid of a number of tools.
Workplace Support
According to studies, employees who feel as though they are moving forward in their careers, who are learning, and who feel valued are the ones that actually thrive. The same applies to engineers. While their core talents may have initially drawn you to them, they need to be cultivated, nourished, and exploited more effectively as you move up the ladder.
Your prospect will want to know during the interview that there is a future for them. That future may include them learning more, gaining more credentials, and contributing more expertise and knowledge to the company. The more you can accomplish this with them, the easier it will be to keep their skills for the future.
Also read: Skills Required to Become a Test Automation Engineer