Environmentally friendly, beautiful, many colors and cost-effective solutions are just some of the descriptions you will encounter with solar lights. However, are they really worth it, and will you get a return on investment with them?
When you’re on the streets during late afternoons, you will see them starting to glow when they detect that the sun is setting up. Others think there’s a system that determines when they will be activated. Whichever the case, know that these are mostly not connected to the electrical grid, and using them in your parking lot will increase visibility and significantly lessen your utility bills. But you may still need to know their features before buying and installing them.
As the energy crisis worsens worldwide, companies are evaluating whether they should go with various renewable energy sources or stay as is with their current setup. Luckily for many people, major organizations around the globe slowly transition to eco-friendly and green alternatives, and they don’t generally mind these changes.
What can the Lights Do?
Solar lights will be an excellent alternative to the grid-powered ones since they are already adequate without too much reliance on what the local electrical company can offer. Installation costs are lesser, there are no need for wires, less maintenance, and save on utility bills at the end of the month.
Because of their independence from the powered grids, there will be no issues with frequent blackouts in rural areas. Calamities may also break the underground line installation, but you will not have any problems with them, especially during disasters.
Manufacturers from various companies will highlight how you can illuminate the entire lot to the fullest, regardless of whether you’re a residential or commercial property owner. With the help of experts, solar lighting for parking lots will be more of a success with minimal costs. Shelling out thousands of dollars to get better visibility will no longer be an issue, especially with the improvements in current technological trends and engineering with these fixtures.
If you’re supportive of the green movement, solar lights might be a great option. Homeowners are now turning to them because of their convenience and the absence of emission of harmful gases.
Getting in Touch with a Reputable Manufacturer
Suppliers and manufacturers frequently work with engineers and designers to ensure that the lights look great in the parking area and are fully functional. Specific requests and tailored applications are also made for bulk orders, and the installation becomes hassle-free and seamless.
The initial investment might be significant, but it would come to pay itself through ROI. To know if you’re with the right company, here are some questions you need to ask them.
What are the Available Fixtures they Have?
Find companies with fixtures specifically made for parking lots, or ask if they have street lights. Bigger players in the industry will generally have over two decades of operations from dusk to dawn, and they will cater to any needs that you may have.
Ask about the Light Distributions
Distribution patterns vary along roadways, sidewalks, medians, or lanes. Know if they have a Type II or III available to ensure the coverage is complete. This will result in continuous illumination for both cars and pedestrians, so they will never have to traverse an area in the dark.
Are there Photometric Layouts?

Layouts are tricky since they determine the amount of light that falls below the fixture. Availabilities may vary from 6-foot candles below the light, but if it’s more than 18 feet, there wouldn’t be any illumination. With the right photometric coverage, you will ensure that there will be enough to stretch along the roadways, and you will never have to worry about installing additional systems, which will cost more.
Will there be Backup Batteries?
As part of some designs, a two or three-day backup might be offered as part of the entire package. However, contrary to popular belief, this is actually not a good idea for home or commercial property owners, but this will also shorten the lifespan of the lights.
In essence, Mother Nature sometimes provides cloudy weather for more than two days, and the batteries might get overcharged because of little to no sunlight. The result is a non-functional or damaged fixture as well as their overall maintenance costs.
Discharge levels and their depths will have a significant effect on the lifespan of the batteries. With cycles of 3,000 or higher and a depth of 20%, cloudy days can turn the figures to more than 30% each day, where there will be a decrease in the cycles. What this means is that there will be a need for the replacement of the batteries in about two to three years.
What about Customer Service Responsiveness and Warranties?
Warranty coverage is very important, and a one-year tag will not guarantee that the entire system is going to work for that amount of time. Even if the entire installation and fixtures cost about a couple of thousand bucks, this is not the price that you will have to pay annually. What you need is an offer for at least 20 years or more so it can translate into cost savings.
For customer service, you will want a manufacturer that’s able to answer your questions and any issues that you have. They should be able to support you even after you’ve purchased their products and services.
Visit the website of the company, check the features of their solar lights, and see their installation process, pricing, packages, discounts, etc. Read complaints and see if they respond to them. Join their social media pages, where there may be representatives and administrators that can answer your questions about how the entire system works.
Feel free to leave comments to see what you think and call references so you’ll know that you’re getting a great deal on the entire lighting fixtures for your parking lots. When you’ve gathered enough information, don’t hesitate to call them and begin installing the beautiful lights into your driveway.
Also read: How Long Does It Take Solar Panels to Pay for Themselves?