Squirrels are wonderful creatures indeed. However, you don’t want your bird feeder to become a sanctuary for them. It always hurts when we invest a lot of money on bird feeders and birdhouses only to see them getting invaded by those little ones. So, you are probably looking for a safe way to keep squirrels away, like a squirrel proof bird feeder. If you are, then read this article for some useful tips to keep those squirrels away from your bird feeder.
Here Are the Ways You Can Keep Them Away
If you are looking for some useful tricks and tips to keep the little creatures away, then let’s get straight to them. These are some of the safest ways to keep them at bay.
1. Elevation Is the Key
Squirrels don’t have wings, so they won’t be able to infest the feeders if you keep them high enough. In fact, they won’t be able to jump higher than 5 feet off the ground. Moreover, they also won’t be able to jump more than 9 feet above the ground. So, if you follow the 5-7-9 rule, then you can keep them at bay.
2. Purchasing A Squirrel Baffle

Are you prepared to spend some extra bucks? Then you can buy a squirrel baffle. These are wobbly pieces of metals that you can affix to the top of the bird feeders and houses. You can use these as a protective shield against them. This Squirrel Baffle will redirect or discourage them. Therefore, it’s a harmless technique to keep them away.
3. Picking A Proper Pole
There are also some cool squirrel proof bird feeder poles available. In fact, it’s worth mentioning that, wooden or metal poles can be easy to climb for them. However, PVC or copper piping can pose problems. Therefore, use these materials to make your own pole, or purchase one.
4. Keeping the Ground Clean
It’s also important to keep all the seeds away from the ground. If you see the debris seeds on the ground, then it’s time to clean the area. This way, you can keep them away from the area, as seeds would attract them.

5. Hanging the Bird Feeders from A Spinning Hook
This is another great way to keep them away. Just install a spinning hook to spin them around. This way, you can make your bird feeder squirrel proof.
6. It’s Time to Feed Them Too
Well, we know that you don’t want to attract them. However, as a means of solution, why not make them their own feeder? This is a great idea to keep them away from the bird feeders. Though there’s no guarantee that they won’t go out and invade the neighbor’s place, it can’t hurt to try out. (read this)
7. Add A Slinky
Try to attach a slinky to the end of the bird feeder so that it wraps around the post. Therefore, if those little creatures try to jump on the slinky to get to the bird feeder, the gravity will send them back to the ground.
8. They Detest Irish Spring Soap
Since the musky, masculine scent of the Irish Spring Soap puts them off, so, you can definitely try to apply it. Just hang a soap bar not too far away from the bird feeder. This way, you can make a low-cost squirrel-proof bird feeder and protect the birds.
20 Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
- Perky-Pet Easy Feeder
- Droll Yankees Flipper Feeder
- Absolute II Bird Feeder
- Woodlink 6-Port Tube Feeder
- Audubon Caged Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
- Squirrel Buster Plus Bird Feeder
- Squirrel Buster Standard Bird Feeder
- Heritage Farms Absolute Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder
- Brome Standard Squirrel Buster Bird Feeder
- Wild Birds Unlimited Eliminator
- Gray Bunny GB-6860 Caged Tube Feeder
- Squirrel-Be-Gone II Country House Bird Feeder
- North States SuperFeeder
- Natures Hangout Window Bird Feeder
- Birdious Tube Window Bird Feeder
- Squirrel-Proof Double Suet Bird Feeder
- Nature Products Green Classic Pole Mount Wild Bird Feeder
- Birds and Berries Lantern Feeder
- Springtime Hanging Bird Feeder
- Copper Panorama Bird Feeder
Final Thoughts
They are also cute animals. So, don’t use any harmful methods. These strategies that we just mentioned will surely keep them away from your squirrel proof bird feeder. So, find out what method works the best for you.
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