A player of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet describes how they obtained two extremely uncommon Pokemon back-to-back, shocking the neighborhood. As most Pokemon veterans know, once the mainline games have been available for a few months, Shiny hunting becomes one of the community’s greatest past times.
Shiny hunting has become more well-liked in the community than ever before due to the introduction of different Pokemon behaviors in Scarlet & Violet and overworld encounters. A trainer shared a video showing them practically finding back-to-back Shinies using 2 separate techniques, highlighting the troubling frequency with which gamers find Shiny Pokemon.
Trainer of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet displays his illogical Shiny luck:

“How in the hell did this just happen,” said Twitter user and Pokemon lover pjlukachaeri after posting a video of their unusual Shiny luck. The trainer is originally seen climbing Miraidon to hatch eggs in the video. Once a typical Scorbunny egg has developed, they come across a Shiny Crabrawler hiding under a Tera Raid den crystal.
After battling and capturing the Crabrawler, they resume hatching their eggs, only for the next egg to instantly give birth to a Shiny Charmander. The OP clarified that they have a Shiny Charm and were raising Shiny Pokemon via the Masuda Technique. For those who don’t know, the Masuda Method is a method to discover Shiny Pokemon that involves hatching an egg from two Pokemon from various locations.
A Shiny Pokemon is likelier to hatch from these eggs than others. Even more impressive is that the trainer discovered two consecutive shinies again a few weeks earlier while just exploring the open world. Another Twitter user commented that if this hadn’t been captured, no one would have believed the fans’ unbelievable luck.
Shiny hunting in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet may not be everyone’s favorite activity. Still, the community has no shortage of entertaining adventures about the antics involved in finding these sparkling creatures.
Ending up:
So here in the above-mentioned passages, we have discussed all the information about the back-to-back shiny encounters in pokemon scarlet and all other information we have regarding the same for more updates on the same, stay tuned with us.
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