As a software developer, you usually fall into one of three categories when it comes to programming: front-end, back-end, or API. Services like Google APIs allow the front end to consume the backend’s data and let you create a web service on top of your existing app. In many cases, however, as large companies and organizations scale their services, they require an API gateway for them to scale with traffic.
The challenges that come with scaling apps are many — from team size constraints to the number of instances and downtime due to high traffic load. These problems and others stem from the fact that you can’t optimize your infrastructure for every combination of endpoints.
APIs in particular present a significant challenge: to get the most out of your API usage, you need to be able to scale it independently of the rest of your system, but at the same time you need this API to be as seamless as possible for users.
What is an API Gateway?
An API gateway is a piece of software that provides a front end – an API – for many back-end services. Each one creates its own RESTful APIs, while the gateway exposes only one front-end RESTful API. An API gateway’s main goal is to optimize the performance of some low-volume public APIs and ensure high availability to users across many back-end services.
Some of the most common functions api management tools are responsible for include:
Management of multiple, disparate APIs that have a high volume of traffic between them. The communication between the APIs often involves cross-domain calls, where either the client or server is on a different domain than the other.
1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
With CORS, clients from one origin (domain) can access resources from another origin (domain). This is done via different headers that indicate what calls are authorized. These headers are set in the client, and the gateway sets them on the server.
2. Scheduling
For back-end APIs that need to execute (and get results) at a fixed time.
3. Rate Limiting
For APIs that need to allow a fixed number of API calls between the client and server.
4. Security
API gateways are used by API consumers to protect against unauthorized access, spam, and hacking. In this way, APIs can be secure and scalable.
5. Buildout Tools
These allow you to create complex projects for your backend or frontend services without having to worry about getting all of the pieces ready at once. It also allows you to leverage caches to speed up scalability by preloading resources when they are not being accessed.
6. Reporting
You want to be notified via email whenever a certain user accesses your API from a certain IP address. You can set up an email hook, where anytime someone makes a request to the back-end service that has been hooked up to the gateway, an email is sent out to you with the information about what was requested and when it occurred.
In conclusion, APIs are essential to keeping back-end traffic under control while scaling. As your company grows and your back-end services scale with it, you will want to make sure that the front-end is scaling as well – this is where an API gateway can help you tremendously.
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