Donating clothes is one of the good things you can do for others. People with fewer resources may not have the dress to wear for tomorrow. The thought of buying new clothes is a distant dream for them. That is why it is good if we donate clothes because they can use them. But there are some things you have to keep in mind before donating clothes. This will show that you care about the people to whom you are donating. Therefore, learn about the things you have to do before donating clothes to local children’s charities.
1. Know about the place you are Donating clothes
The clothes we donate do not always reach the people who need them in your country. Some smart middlemen may use the clothes and sell them to poor people for their benefit. This can ruin the purpose of the donation and charity. That is why you have to make sure whether the clothes you donated have reached the person who needs them. You can personally go and donate the clothes to a charity and see how they work towards distributing them.
2. Wash the clothes before donating
Is there are huge stain in the dress you are donating? Then why not give a good rinse before donating it. As we are going through a pandemic you also need to sanitize all the clothes and keep them in clean boxes before donating. This will ensure that you are following all the safety guidelines. Furthermore, the charity will also be happy to receive clean clothes.
3. Take care if you are donating to third world countries
Some countries are backward in the economy. So the quality of the clothes they usually wear may be less. So when you donate clothes to such countries it can wreak havoc on the handmade or industrial cloth production of that country. This can lead to an economic crisis in their country. Therefore take care when donating because it must not create problems for others.
4. Ensure that you donate according to the need
Some charities may not have use for the items they receive. This is because people donate random kinds of stuff to charities that do not need it at all. Moreover, it also creates problems for the charity house because they may have to pay money to get rid of the stuff. So you can ask the charity before donating to know what they require. If they require clothes for children then you can donate the clothes that serve the purpose.
5. Do not use the clothing donation bins
The reality is that clothing bins are just a way to make a profit. Some companies set up these bins to get profit out of the donated clothes. They sell it to the people who need it and make a profit. So instead of dumping the clothes in the donation bins you can visit a local charity and donate the clothes. This will be helpful to them.
6. Do not donate clothes overly used
Charity is not a place that collects clothes that people do not need. Some people donate overly used clothes that are only fit for cleaning. Therefore donate clothes that you do not usually wear or used less. A person may use this dress so donate wearable clothes. Moreover, the clothes must not contain large stains or tear. You can make the dress neat and tidy before donating it.
7. Donate current clothes

Donate clothes that people can use and wear in their day to day life. So make sure that the style of clothes you donate is current. People with fewer resources have pride so they may not wear anything that comes their way. Therefore make sure that the clothes are not very much out-dated.
8. There is always a need for plus and tiny sizes
The clothes of plus and tiny sizes are always needed by charities because many people can wear those. The tiny sizes are useful for orphaned children and the plus-size is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. So if you have such clothes you can donate them.
9. Donate accessories too
If you have lots of accessories that you do not wear then you can donate them too. They are not common in charity houses so they will be happy to receive them. It will be a great joy for the people who wear it. For instance, you can donate a scarf or a handbag.
10. Do not donate undergarments and shoes
The undergarments are items that have to be new. So do no donate it as it can be awkward for the charities to receive it. Only outer clothes and other accessories are fit to be donated to charity. Moroever your shoe size may not fit many people therefore refrain from donating it.
These are the things you need to have in mind before Donating clothes to charities. Check each of the clothes before donating them. Then you will surely feel happy about your good deed.
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