Many brides become Bridezilla when they are searching for their wedding gown. After trying on many gowns they find a gown that becomes “the dress”. Then they wear this incredible wedding gown on their wedding day and awe the bridegroom and the guest. After the wedding is over some may think of keeping the wedding dress in a safe place. However, how can you keep the dress safe? Here you will know what to do with an old wedding dress. You can keep the dress as new as when you wore it on the wedding day if you follow the steps.
1. Preserve the dress
You can save your dress and preserve it for many years. Many women are sentimental about their wedding gown. That is why they preserve it in a safe place. To preserve it you have to clean it and remove the stains if there are any. Then you can give the dress to companies that preserve wedding gowns. They will send back the preserved wedding gown in a package with all the instructions. The great benefit of preserving the dress is that you can offer it to your kids or special people when they are going to marry.
2. Loan it or sell it
Some brides prefer to give away their wedding dress to someone. By doing this they can get money. So if you want to make some extra money you can also loan your dress or sell it. This will make another bride-to-be happy. Therefore, it is a win-win situation. Many brides sell their wedding dress for a good amount of money. But for that, you have to make the dress clean and ready for the others to buy it.
3. Make another dress
You cannot wear a wedding dress again publicly. So you can use the fabric to stitch some dress for you that you can wear to parties. You can ask the tailor to recreate the dress into something new and stylish. This will also allow you to wear the dress for many years to come. Furthermore, look into the crafty ideas available. If you want, you can dye the wedding dress in the choice of colour you want. This is one way of wedding dress preservation.
4. Host a wedding party
If you love to wear your wedding dress again why not wear it. You can host a party with your friends and wear a dress. This will allow you to enjoy wearing the dress from time to time. You and your friends can enjoy the day by doing this. Many brides and the friends of brides host such parties on special occasions.

5. Make your wedding dress into art
Some brides plan to frame their wedding dress. This helps them to keep it safe for many years. Also, it can look like art. You can keep it in your room and admire it from time to time when you want to. You and your spouse can keep it as a sentimental piece so you will never forget what it like was on your wedding day. Therefore, frame your wedding dress because it is a great way to save it. So instead of getting rid of your dress, you can make it into art.
6. Donate it to charity
If you like another bride to be happy on her wedding day, then you can donate your wedding dress. Many organisations are ready to receive a wedding dress. Then it offers the dress to brides who want to make their day special. So make someone happy by donating the dress.
7. Return it to shops
Some shops receive wedding dresses from the brides who used it. They will resale it to the bride-to-be who is willing to buy it. So you can also opt for this step. Some brides sell their dresses to these shops and have received the money in return. Others have got another wearable gown for their dress. This is a great exchange option. Therefore, you can try it.
8. Keep it in your closet
If you are not a fan of the other options in here, you can simply keep the dress in a dark closet. It has to be free from humidity and other factors. The temperature of the closet has to be normal. So opt for this step.
These are the things you can follow after the big day. It is your wish and you can do anything with your wedding dress.
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