Cooking with CBD oils is now becoming a popular topic. Cannabidiol, CBD, is a prevalent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant that does not get you high or intoxicated. Popular for a myriad of therapeutic benefits, people are now infusing CBD oil drops into various foods. Perhaps you want to incorporate CBD oil as a natural remedy for your healthy diet routine or delicious snacks?
Consider these professional tips for cooking with CBD oils to get the best out of your quality CBD.
Heat Will Make Your CBD Oil Less Effective
Exposing your CBD oil to direct heat can potentially change its cannabinoid composition and lessen its potency. Professional chefs further advise that heating CBD oil above 120°F makes it bitter and unpleasant to consume. Therefore, do not sautee or deep-fry your delicious dishes in CBD oil or CBD-infused cooking oils. Instead, sprinkle CBD oil drops in your ready dishes as a finishing oil.
While baking with CBD oil, you must ensure that the temperatures do not exceed 350°F. Temperatures above this level will destroy the beneficial compounds in your CBD oil. If you’re planning to make a CBD-infused soup, the best idea is to cook it over low, slow heat and avoid boiling it. More effectively, you can prepare your soup first and stir CBD oil into the soup once it’s ready.
1. Always Add CBD Oil To A Fat Or Cooking Oil
While using CBD oil for cooking or baking, you should always add it to a healthy fat or cooking oil to enhance its potency. CBD oils are fat-soluble, meaning that your body will absorb the CBD much better when infused in an oil such as coconut oil or butter.
2. Consider Your CBD Oil Concentration
The amount of CBD oil you add to your dishes depends on the effects you’re looking for. Be sure to add enough CBD oil to foods to provide you with the appropriate dosage for your needs. For instance, if you’re baking and decide to add 100 mg of CBD oil into a 20 cookie-pieces recipe, each piece will have 5 mg of CBD.
Comparably, if you’re looking for more intense effects, you can add 400mg of CBD oil to provide you with 20 mg of CBD in each piece.
3. Keep An Eye On The Flavor
Naturally, CBD oils possess a bitter taste with notes of earthy that leave a bad aftertaste. That said, you’d want to add a flavor of your choice to improve the taste of your dishes and make them pleasing to eat. To make it easier, you can buy a CBD oil infused with delicious organic flavors like mint or raspberry- the list of flavors is endless! Additionally, you can have fun and explore a combination of different flavors that you’ll enjoy consuming.
4. Relax And Wait For The Onset of Effects
Unlike taking CBD oil sublingually, eating CBD-infused foods and edibles takes along to provide you with the expected results. Remember that CBD oil in food must pass through the gut for digestion, from where it is taken to the liver for metabolization before being absorbed into your bloodstream. Be patient and wait for the effects to kick in.
The Bottom Line
Cooking with CBD oil should be easy, fun, and the end product will be not only delicious but also highly beneficial if you consider each of the above how to cook with CBD oil tips. Suppose you’re a novice and the idea of infusing CBD in your food feels overwhelming?
In that case, the best thing to do is start with a simple recipe like adding a CBD oil dropinto your salad dressings or open a CBD capsule and pour its oil contents into your favorite drink or soup.
Also read: How to Incorporate CBD into Your Lifestyle