Have you been wondering what dog travel essentials to pack for your upcoming trip?
Deciding what to bring for your dog can be challenging. With so many things to think about and pack, it can be hard to remember everything you need for your furry friend’s trip with you. To help make sure your next road trip or weekend getaway goes smoothly, we’ve come up with a list of top dog travel essentials that will make life easier for you and your dog!
1. Fresh Drinking Water
Water is a dog travel essential for your pet—so basic that it’s often forgotten. It’s so important that it’s one of the first things we should pack when we go on vacation with our pets!
But why is water so important for our dogs?
Dogs need to stay hydrated! Water is a dog travel must-have. Bring a water bottle or spill-proof travel bowls if you’re planning a long trip or an overnight stay at a hotel. If you know you’ll have access to clean water on the go, you won’t need to lug around heavy bottles of water for your dog. You can simply get a lightweight bowl that is easy to carry around.

2. Dog Food
What can I give my dog for traveling?
Dog food is one of the many dog travel must-haves! Many types of travel dog food are available at pet stores or online. You can find a variety of flavors and types that are easy for your dog to eat on the go. It’s essential to get one that is healthy, nutritious, and easy for them to digest so that they don’t get sick while you’re away from home.
Storing food properly is essential, and even dry dog food can spoil if it’s not stored properly. You’ll need to bring your own bowl—there are travel bowls for dogs that are perfect for traveling. You can also purchase an entire travel-friendly dinner set for your pet and ensure they’ll always have a meal ready if that’s more your thing.
You can also use the same portable bowl you bring for water and food!
If you want to give your dog a new healthy food, consider cabbages! These veggies contain many nutrients for your dog—a great food choice!
3. Dog Treats
You might be wondering, how do I keep my dog calm while traveling?
Travel treats can be your pet’s best friend. For nervous travelers, dog treats can keep your dog calm when you’re in the car or at the hotel. Treats can also help keep your dog from barking or growling at other dogs while in the car.
Keep a small bag of training treats in your pocket when you’re out and about traveling. This way, you’re prepared to reward your pet regardless of what situation you may encounter!

4. Multi-Purpose Leash or Collar
A leash or collar is one of the top dog travel accessories. You can use it in many different situations. If your dog is young and not fully trained yet, it’s great to use as an extended lead when they’re off-leash.
If your dog tends to wander off when they see something interesting (like another dog), this is also helpful for keeping them close by. And if you need something with more control over your dog’s movements (like when walking downstairs), try using just the collar part of this leash!
If you are staying in one place for an extended period, consider adding a temporary tag with that information. Then, if your dog gets lost, you can provide information to others so they’ll know how and where to reach you if they find it.
5. Dog Poop Bags
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but we’ll say it anyway—make sure you bring enough dog poop bags for your whole trip. This is one of those dog travel necessities.
You’ll want to keep at least two bags in the car at all times (one in case you forget) and then at least two or three more in each hotel room where you’ll be staying. That way, if an emergency happens while you’re out exploring the sights and smells of wherever you’ve decided to spend your vacation, you can always clean up and move on to the next thing.
That being said, if you want to avoid sickness on the road, you might ask, “how do I prepare my dog for travel?” Take them to the vet before traveling to ensure they’re fit for the adventure.

6. Towels for Your Dog
If your dog has an accident during your vacation, you can use the towel to clean up the mess and throw it in the washer when you get home. That’s why it’s one of the dog road trip essentials!
If they’re dirty from rolling around in something gross, wipe them down with the towel. Throw it in the laundry pile once you’re done going out for the day!
Always bring a spare set of clothes so that if your dog gets sick or dirty while out, you have a change of clothes ready!
7. Car Carrier
This is one of the dog travel essentials on this list because it keeps your dog safe while you drive them around in your car. If you don’t have a carrier already, consider picking one up ASAP.
You can fit it into the backseat (or even on the floor) of most vehicles, which will seat your pup while you’re driving and ensure they’re safe in case of an accident or sudden brakes.
8. Dog Toys
Dogs need to have something they can chew on and play with—otherwise, they’ll end up destroying everything around them.
If possible, avoid bringing loud squeaking toys. While you may be able to ignore the noise your dog is making, others may not. Remember to be a responsible dog owner!
So if you have a dog who loves playing with its toys, definitely bring along some extra toys in case one goes missing during the course of your travels.

Wrapping Up
If you’re about to hit the road with your dog, we hope these tips help you put together all your dog travel essentials. The most important thing is to have a great time! Whether you’re driving across the country or just going to a town close by, the more you can do to make your dog comfortable and happy, the better it will be for everyone.
Also read: How to Make your Pet More Playful: 6 Training Tips