As a parent, dropping your child off at college is an emotional roller coaster, especially if your child is going to college far away from home. All the way home, you may feel an ache as you realize you will not see your child every day anymore. You worry about them adjusting, settling into life at college, and making friends. You may want to check in with them constantly to ensure they are doing well, but they may not always be available as they adjust to their new lives on campus. However, that does not mean there is no chance of keeping in touch while your child is away at college.
There are still ways to connect with them without being too overbearing.
Make a Schedule to Chat
For most parents, it is difficult not to be overbearing and try to chat with their children daily while they are away at college. But your child is busy, and so are you. That is why a great way to stay in touch without overwhelming them is to schedule times for a video chat or a phone call at least once a week.
To make it even better, it is best to let your child decide what time would work best for their schedule. This way, you can catch up and hear their voice, and they get to maintain their busy schedule.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Technology has come a long way since you went off to college. Take advantage of that. There is a high chance your college student has a smartphone that allows them to text, especially with an affordable connectivity program available to them.
Again, do not be overbearing and send them a thousand texts daily, but once in a while is okay. You could also set up a family group chat on your phone so the whole family can stay connected, and any life updates can be posted there.
Be Creative with How You Stay in Touch
When staying connected to your college student, you are not limited only to your phones. There are various ways to keep in touch without overwhelming your child. The amount of social media platforms is a fun and creative way to stay in touch with your college student. Whether through Snapchat, TikTok, or Instagram, each can be used as a unique way of keeping up with their life while also having the opportunity to send them videos or humourous Gifs.
Do not forget about “snail mail,” either. This is a creative way to keep in touch with your child. Sending them a card randomly with a surprise, such as cash or a gift card, will show your child that you are there for them while also lessening the financial burden they are most likely under.
On top of that, getting a heartfelt card from a parent will remind them how loved they are. You could also send them a care package with their favorite things. These packages will mean so much to them, especially if they are not expecting them.
Remember To Be Flexible and Patient
While it is important to stay in contact with your college student, remember that they are undergoing a significant adjustment process, and sometimes you will need to be flexible and patient. It is good to make scheduled phone calls to catch up, but set those knowing that you will need to be flexible and understanding if the plans need to change.
There may be some weeks when it is best to step back and allow your child to reach out when they are not overwhelmed. This will help so your child does not see it as an unwanted obligation but instead as a declaration of your love and care for them.
It may also take a while to get into a routine when it comes to keeping in contact with your college student, and there may be a bit of a trial and error period until they get into a good routine and can make time to contact you. Remain patient as they navigate their way to a new way of living, do not fret if they cannot call you for a couple of weeks, and do not pressure them too much. It is most likely nothing personal.
Your relationship with your college student is unique, and remember that as long as you are always there to cheer them on, you are giving them exactly what they need during this significant change.
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