Clicking links without knowing if it the link is safe or not is dangerous. Today, most security threats happen through links. There are unsafe links that can lead the user to any unauthorized sites. Today ransomware is spread by individuals through email and links. These phishing and malware sites can breach the user’s data. It is essential to check if a link is safe or not before clicking.
There are plenty of sites that help you to check the authenticity of links. Let us see some of the six best sites that help you to know if a link is safe.
1. MalCare
The MalCare is an exceptional WordPress site. The MalCare is a premium tool that lets you check the authenticity of links. This site can scan, clean and protect the links. You can perform a scan for any of the links by entering or typing the URL. The MalCare site has more than 100 signals to find if a link is safe or not. In your WordPress site, you can install the plugin of MalCare to make your link scanning.
With just one click you can do a link safety search. Also, it is possible to check if a link is safely less than in 2 minutes in MalCare. You can enjoy both the free versions and premium features on this site.
SUCURI is the best link security provider in the world. You can scan any website, link or page through this site. Also, this tool is available on plenty of platforms. You can use SUCURI on WordPress, Magento and Joomla. You can perform free searches in this site to check if there is any malware present in the link. The unique features of this site are that you can see the percentage of Malware detected in the link.
Also, it can inform you if the link is blacklisted in any popular web browser. You can see the blacklisting status of the link in ESET, Opera, Google, McAfee and Norton. Also, the tool can detect if there is any spam or defacements in the link.
3. Astra Security
The Astra Security is an exceptional link scanning tool. There are both free versions and premium versions of the tool. The free malware scanner can detect if the link is malicious, blacklisting and more. Also, it is a unique scanner with unique features. Also, Astra Security is a multipurpose scanning tool for links. With this malware scanning tool, you can check phishing and malicious scripts. However, with the premium version, you can unlock more interesting features in this tool.
Also, the premium version of this tool has access to the internal files of the website link. It can offer double protection by checking the links source code. Astra security is a high-end solution for scanning and detecting malware on links.
4. Quettra
The Quettra is a free malware scanning tool. The Quettra tool can scan malware through WordPress, drupe, Joomla, SharePoint and bulletin websites. The tool offers a clear report of the malware status in links. You can detect malicious files, clean files, blacklist status, Iframes scans and safety of external links. The reports on the site are quick and offer satisfactory results. You can easily enter or paste the link on the search option.
In few minutes you can get a complete report about the authenticity of the link. Quettra is a high-end security solution tool that offers complete security. It is possible to check spam and other potential security threats on a link.
5. Phishtank
Phishtank is a tool that alerts users about phishing sites. Once you enter the URL on this site it offers a Phishing operation. You can get instant results through the Phishtank website. With Phishing the site can automatically check if there is any malware in this link. Are you worried about sites that can breach your data then use Phishtank to check the authenticity of the site. If you want to prevent identity threat, then use the PhishTank tool.
Phishtank is a tool with open DNS. It is a tool that offers complete verification for any type of link. Also, check the status of the link before clicking on it. The tool also contains extensions that can be used on Google.
6. ScanURL
The ScanURL is an independent and open source website that can check links. The results of the website are unique and exceptional. Also, if any previous users have checked any site and if it is authentic then the website warns other users from it. The scanned URL is a genuine site that can offer complete protection to your data. Also, it allows you to describe where you saw the website. Also, the site contains share options for you to warn your family and friends about the link.
Link safety is crucial in today’s digital world. You can protect your data through the above sites.
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