Did you know an average of six people die every day due to alcohol consumption? This is a shocking statistic, one that shows just how rampant alcohol abuse and alcoholism really are. Not only does alcoholism claim lives, but it also destroys marriages, alienates family and friends, ruins careers, and destroys your body.
For these reasons, knowing the warning signs of alcoholism can be the key to saving a life. If you are uncomfortable with your drinking or have noticed a loved one might be struggling, these are the warning signs of alcoholism to look for.
Blacking Out
One of the common signs of alcohol addiction is blacking out. When you drink so much you lose time and are not aware of your actions, you have a problem. If you or a loved one are frequently blacking out, consider Cenikor Inpatient Rehabilitation.
Drinking to Feel Better
A common sign of alcohol abuse is drinking to feel better. While having a drink after a stressful day may not be a sign of abuse, constantly drinking to dull pain or uncomfortable feelings is. If you find yourself drinking to feel better, feel confident, or get through the day, consider treatment.
Drinking Daily
One sign of a drinking problem is consuming alcohol daily. When you drink every day, you are creating a dependence on alcohol, which is the first step toward alcoholism.
Loss of Control
A clear sign you have a drinking problem is if you have a loss of control. This happens when you try to cut back or stop drinking but you can’t. If you are experiencing a loss of control when drinking, consider attending an alcohol addiction recovery program.
Do you need to drink more alcohol to feel the effects? If so, your body has built up a tolerance and you are on the path to becoming an alcoholic.
A Negative Effect on Your Life
Is drinking alcohol harming your life? This can happen when friends or family start to distance themselves, you lose your job, you get a DUI, or more. If drinking alcohol is causing real problems in your life but you can’t seem to stop, you are likely an alcoholic.
Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms
If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, you have a drinking problem. Some of the signs of alcohol withdrawal are headaches, nausea, vomiting, sweating, fogginess, shaking, irritability, and more. Withdrawal symptoms can make a significant difference in comfort level during withdrawal with the right alcohol withdrawal treatment and medications.
These Are the Warning Signs of Alcoholism
By knowing the warning signs of alcoholism, you or your loved one can get help before it’s too late.One of the most common signs of alcoholism is blacking out. Drinking to feel better, feeling a loss of control, having an increased level of tolerance, and experiencing negative consequences are also signs of a problem. A common sign you can’t ignore is the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms.
If you or your loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek treatment immediately. Don’t forget to browse our site for advice on business, products, services, and more.