The internet is full of memes about Latina parents who use La Chancla. They use this to beat their children. That is why the children are terrified of La Chancla. Although the memes are funny, many think that beating children is a serious issue. They think that beating, slapping, skirting, pinching children are abusive. Therefore many experts advise other disciplinary courses of action for helping children to behave. Here are the five reasons why it is time to stop using La Chancla. You can also know the meaning of La Chancla here.
What is La Chancla?
La Chancla means getting beaten from sandals or flip-flops. In the Latin culture, it refers to the Latina parents threatening or punishing the children to do as they are bid. Furthermore, Latina mothers are very strict so they use this method to make their children follow all the rules. The belief is that through La Chancla they can make their children follow the rules. Also, they can bring them up as well-mannered children.
Why is it time to stop La Chancla?

1. Children can learn violence
Many experts say that La Chancla is a disciplinary resource that can become an abuse. According to research, those people who bet their children were actually the victims of abuse. They were beaten by their parents so this shows that the violence becomes a cycle. Physical punishment when young can result in aggressive adults. That is why the La Chancla discipline methods must be stopped.
2. Can confuse children
Corporal punishment can make children think that violence is acceptable. They may learn this from their parents. So when angered they may use violence. Also if the parents use violence, the children can go for comfort elsewhere. This can be harmful to them as they may choose the wrong association.
3. Breaks relationships
La Chancla can affect the communication between parents and children. If the children find that their parents are intolerant of their behavior they may never share any details with them. They will become afraid of their parents and will stop going to them for help. So the understanding between the parents and children gets ruined.
4. Affects brain development
If a child gets physically abused it can have a bad effect on their brain. According to studies the children who go through abuse will experience the grey matter decrease from their brain. This is linked to depression, addiction, and mental disorders. So this is also one of the reasons why La Chancla is an unsuitable form of punishment.
5. It is ineffectual
Many people think that La Chancla will help their children to grow up into good adults. But that is not the case. According to the experts, the children will only behave well out of fear and not out of respect for their parents. It’s disciplinary resource will not teach children self-control but rather they will become aggressive.
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Amalgamation old and new parenting techniques

Many Latino families who live in America have found that La Chancla is not suitable. But they also find the American parenting resources too lenient. Therefore they have learned to mix tradition with modern approaches to parenting. These Latino parents have started a new way of disciplining their children. They will not beat their children but they will teach them the value of following the rules.
For instance, Latina moms will not let their children decide what they want for dinner like the American moms. Instead, they will only cook what they decide for their children and the children have to eat it without any whining. In this way, Latina moms will ensure that their children do not cross a line in their behavior.
The parents will be assertive in their action and tone so the children will know that they have disapproved of their parents. In this way without beating their children using sandals, the Latina parents are raising their children as good people.
La Chancla is not an effective parenting technique to discipline children. That is why many Latina parents have started a parenting approach that is the best of both worlds. They take some important details from their tradition and blend them with modern parenting techniques.
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