Today’s activists, artists and kids use the peace sign frequently to show that they want peace or are in a state of peace. It sends a very powerful message. But the peace sign dates back half a century ago and its origins are not delightful as it seems. It has a dark past. First, it was originally started as an anti-Christian symbol because the sign is an upside-down broken “Nero-cross” which has a satanic character or a Nazi emblem. But the peace sign today has a clear history as it was first designed by Gerald Holtom for the British Campaign for the event of Nuclear Disarmament in 1958.
The vertical line on the peace sign means a semaphore signal for the letter D. The lines at the bottom are a semaphore signal for the letter N. So the N and D denote nuclear disarmament enclosed in a circle. The creator shared that this symbol means despair and the central lines in it means human hands questioning the despair at the backdrop of white earth.
Holton intended to use a cross in the peace sign but he did not add it as he wanted to make the symbol more universal. There are also other interesting facts you have to know about the peace sign. Know about it here.
Details about Gerald Holtom
Gerald Holtom is a British graphic designer and Christian pacifist. He was the one who created many banners and signs during the nuclear disarmament march in London. Also, he created the visual of the peace sign which is still used by many cross-national movements for many generations. In 1958 he designed the Nuclear Disarmament (ND) logo which later became the peace symbol. He presented it to the Direct Action Committee and it was accepted immediately for the march in Trafalgar Square, London.
“About the peace sign, he had a few words to say and they are I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew myself: the representative of an individual in despair, with hands palm outstretched outwards and downwards in the manner of Goya’s peasant before the firing squad. I formalised the drawing into a line and put a circle round it”.
There are many original sketches of the peace symbol available but only one stood apart from the rest and is used today.
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Why was the peace sign used?

The peace sign after the anti-nuclear activist in 1958 was later used in the American anti-war movement in the 1960s. It was reinterpreted to denote world peace. Plus this symbol was adapted by Eric Austen to the ceramic lapel badges. You can find the original design of the peace sign in the Peace Museum in Bradford, England.
Further, an ally of Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. known as Bayard Rustin was one of the participants in the London-to-Aldermaston march in 1958. He found the peace sign impressive as it was powerful to him and he bought the peace symbol to the United States. It came to be used in the civil rights marches and demonstrations during the early 1960s.
Plus it was also found in the demonstrations and marches against the war in Vietnam. It later became a ubiquitous symbol as it made an appearance on T-shirts, coffee mugs and a lot more. This symbol was very much linked with the anti-war movement that became an iconic symbol of that era.
What are the other lesser known peace signs?
1. Olive Branch
The symbol of the olive branch was also used as a peace symbol and it is from the Bible. But it was also worn by brides in Greece and they bestowed it to the Olympic winners. It has a great meaning in many mythological stories.
2. Dove
Dove is also a sign of peace in many cultures and it is also from a Bible incident related to the great deluge. It is also a symbol of holiness and purity. When a dove flies it means that freedom and peace have returned.
3. White Poppy
The sprouting of the Poppy flowers on the grave sites and the battlegrounds in Europe demoted the return of peace. So it is also used as a peace sign. The flowers are featured in many poems of the poets of that time.
4. Pace Rainbow Flag
Philosopher and activist Aldo Capitini designed a flag with many colour strips to use as a peace flag in the peace march in 1961. It is similar to the pride flag today.
Why peace sign is popular?
The peace sign has garnered international stature. It speaks all the languages and people all around the world can use it. So it is used by everyone when freedom and peace are threatened. The symbol was never copyrighted so anyone in the world can use it freely. It says a timeless message of hope for the people who want a peaceful world.
The Peace Sign is very much popular today. Throughout the years it was used in many ways to denote peace.
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