Reptiles are an unpopular choice among pet owners. While dogs and cats are top pet choices, reptiles are hardly considered a plausible pet option. Some are either too scared of reptiles or wish to come home to a happy dog that greets them at the door. However, you’d be surprised to know that some reptiles make wonderful, exotic pets. Whether it’s a gecko, a snake, or a chameleon, most reptiles need little maintenance and are completely apt for beginners.
Here are five compelling reasons why these scaly animals make great pets.
1. They are Hypoallergenic
Since reptiles do not have fur, they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction to the homeowners. Even though snakes and some reptiles shed their skin, they won’t create a mess by leaving their fur all around the house. A homeowner with a furry cat or dog needs to vacuum their house almost every day. With a reptile as a pet, they don’t need to worry about catching an allergic reaction or coming home to a messy place.
2. They are Fun to Watch
Reptiles as pets are exotic and can even be eye candy for your boring home, especially a crocodile gecko or a flying gecko. Reptiles like swifts, anoles, and geckos fall under the category of small lizards that are fun to look at. One can spend hours watching a gecko hunt its prey through swift movements. It can be entertaining and quite impressive for your guests too.
On the other hand, a slow-moving tortoise also surprises you with its motion and interesting pattern on its shell. Needless to say, it is fun watching a chameleon changing its color. Irrespective of the type of reptile you get, you will always have fun watching them.
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3. They are Low Maintenance
Reptiles need little care and attention, which is great for people with busy schedules. They prefer to be alone and are content to stay within their own space. Some reptiles need to be fed just twice in a week. They mostly feed on insects like mealworms, crickets, and waxworms, which can be easily purchased at a pet store. As mentioned on Reptile.Guide, you need to do your homework and learn about the specific type of food suitable for your reptile pet based on its needs. Make sure that your reptile pet is given enough clean water and supplements depending on the species.
Moreover, these scaly companions produce little waste, which is easy to discard and clean. More importantly, they don’t need bathing or grooming like dogs, which saves a lot of time, effort, and money. Unlike dogs who need regular exercise and training, reptiles take care of their own exercise needs inside the cage. The only maintenance they require is regular cleaning of their glass tanks and cages.
4. They Need Little Space

While a dog or a cat takes up an entire corner or even a whole room in your house, a reptile fits well within a tiny aquarium. If you live in a tiny house but desperately want a pet, a reptile should be your top choice. Small lizards need a small glass box, whereas a snake may require a cage. Irrespective of the type of reptile you get, the space required is too little.
5. They Do Bond with you
While most people think that reptiles are emotionless, they can actually bond with their owners over time. While you cannot exactly snuggle with your reptile pet, you can definitely create a connection with it, giving you the feeling of the priceless pet-owner bond. Certain reptiles like to be held, such as snakes and bearded dragons. Hold them on an occasional basis and give them a chance to feel your body heat. Similarly, turtles like to be stroked on their head, shell, and chin. Furthermore, create an interesting living space for your reptile pet.
A plain glass tank is too boring; amp it up with green plants, coops to hide, and slides to glide on. Insert small tree branches for your reptile pet to feel more comfortable. Lastly, take them out every once in a while (unless they are prone to running away). If you have a tortoise as a pet, take it out in the garden to dig.
These reasons should be enough to make you interested in reptiles and prompt you to keep one as a pet. Not all reptiles are dangerous; there is no reason to fear these exotic animals as long as you choose the right species. From snakes and turtles to geckos and anoles, there are a myriad of options to choose from. Even though it may seem intimidating in the beginning, you will soon realize that keeping a pet reptile at home is both thrilling and exciting.
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