Jersey Shore Family Vacation is a reality TV series that was released on April 5, 2018, on MTV. The show follows the activities of seven housemates from the Jersey Shore as they spend a month in Miami, Florida for their vacation. On September 2, 2021, MTV greenlit the series for season 5 and it premiered on January 6, 2022.
The first half of the series was filmed in New Jersey and Las Vegas. Then they also went on a trip to Los Angeles, California and spent their time also in the Florida Keys at the Isla Bella Beach Resort. The filming for the second half of the season started after the holidays and the cast went to El Paso, Texas and later vacationed in San Diego, California. Is there going to be season 6? Know all the interesting details about the series here.
Will there be a fifth season of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation?
As of now, there are no details about the sixth season of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. But we can expect excellent news for Guido’s fans as they will be able to see more of that cast member. Season five was divided into two parts so the second part is yet to release. The filming is happening now so we can expect it to release any time soon.
We can expect it to release this year which is in 2022. MTV will plan to air the episodes at different times of the year instead of the same time of the year. The previous seasons were also released in the same way. Then what about season 6? It seems we can expect season 6 in 2023 at the very earliest.
What will happen in season 5 part 2?
The favourite meatball cast members Deena and Nicole may start their web show as they are planning for it when they were drunk. In the episode that aired on March 17, 2022, Deena and Nicole started a fictitious talk show called Meatballs. They act as if they are interviewing Angelina Jolie and they accept a fictional telephone call from a fan.
It was amusing to see it. Then they promised each other that they will make it happen in real life too. We have to wait and see if it happens for real or not.
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Who will be the cast of season 5 part 2?
We can expect Ronnie Ortiz-season Magro in the future episodes as he was not seen in part 1 of season 5. The domestic assault allegations made against him were dismissed in May 2021. But Ronnie shared that he is going to take a break from Jersey Shore Family Vacation. Ronnie revealed it on his Instagram Stories on May 13 and told that he is taking a leave of absence from the program.
He wanted to undergo mental therapy to take care of his mental health. It seems he ignored it for a long time.
He said “The most important thing for me right now is to face my challenges straight on. Although it will be challenging, my principal aim is to regain my health to be the most incredible husband and father I can be for my daughter.”
In 2021 he got arrested for domestic abuse from his home in Las Vegas Nevada. He frequently made headlines because of his tumultuous relationship with his partner. Then after posting a $100,000 bond he was released from detention on April 23 and some of the charges on him were withdrawn.
He was able to escape the jail time too. He also voluntarily completed a 30-day in-patient treatment without any charges. The part of the plea deal was that he took twenty-six parenting classes.
In August 2021 Ronnie said that he was sober and returned to take part in the reality show. But there is no sign of him in the filming of season 6. But one of the cast members was recently seen filming the Easter getaway. After that many of the cast members were also seen dining out with the cameras on them. But Ronnie was seen in that group. So we are not sure if Ronnie will make it in the upcoming episodes eventhough he is expected.
Where is the filming taking place?
One source told the Showbiz Cheat Sheet that the cast is filming at the Hard Rock Hotel. Many spotted the cast members at several places in the area. Some saw them on Cordiano Winery in Escondido but the cast members missing were Ronnie and Pauly DelVecchio. But the popular DJ showed up with girlfriend Nikki Hall and Vinny’s Uncle Nino.
One fan spotted the cast at Barbusa which is an upscale Italian restaurant in the cast at Barbusa. They shared footage about the cast on Twitter. Then one user took a video of Angelina Pivarnick and Deena Cortese when they were entering a bar called Tin Roof. Further another Twitter user caught a video of Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi dancing on the sidewalks of San Diego.
Also, they were able to see a post from Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. He took a shot of Vinny Guadagnino’s Instagram Stories about Angelina. So we can conclude San Diego is their big family vacation. It can be ready within four weeks.
Jersey Shore Family Vacation is an amazing show with extraordinary locations, cast members and plot. It is very interesting to see people having the best time of their life.
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