Giving birth to a child is one of the miraculous events in life. But the C-Section childbirth can take a toll on a woman’s body. Caesarean delivery is one of the surgeries used by doctors to deliver babies. This form of delivery is the option considered when vaginal delivery can risk the life of the mother or the baby. This type of surgery can take longer time to heal and that is why it is hard for women who go through it. The historical character Julius Caesar came to the world because of the C-section surgery done on his mother and hence the term got coined.
Here are some of the tips you need to know to recover from C-section delivery.
1. Take lot of rest
Some women try to go back to their normal busy routine after C-section delivery. But they have to understand that although their body may not feel tired they have to take rest for the wounds to heal. For instance, some mothers may have to take rest in the hospital for two or more days. The women who go through C-section surgeries have to take rest for six weeks because it is the time it takes for the body to heal.
So eat well and sleep well. You can take naps whenever the baby sleeps. You can also use some extra help to take care of the baby for some days to take rest.
2. Recover from the pain

You can ask your doctor for the medicines that will help you deal with the pain. This will help you if you are breastfeeding. The doctor will prescribe a medicine that suits you. Therefore check with them before you take any pain medication. Moreover, you can also use a heating pad to relieve the wounded area of the pain.
3. Pamper the body
Do not try to do work that may excite your body. For instance, do not go up and down the stairs often. If you need anything keep it close with you. You can ask your family members for help. If you sneeze or cough try to hold the area of the abdomen. Ask your doctor regarding the things you can do for instance when to exercise. You also have to take care of emotional health. Talk with your friend if you feel stressed or low.
4. Get the required nutrition

If you are breastfeeding, then you need lot of nutrition as what you give to your baby strengthens them also. That is why take care of what you eat. For instance, research states that when you eat a lot of vegetables it will add a lot of flavour in your breast milk. This will help your child to love vegetables when they grow up. You also have to drink lots of fluids along with water.
5. Changes in the body
There may be a lot of changes in your body after giving birth. Your hair may start to fall, you may suffer an emotional roller coaster, there will be soreness in the breast etc. These are all the normal. Do not feel anxious about it and if you feel unwell talk with your doctor and clarify the doubts.
These are the five things all new mothers have to know after C-section baby delivery. If you follow these points you can come back to your normal routine.
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